First Aid-Kit

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I had walked for awhile with no luck, I got frustrated and punched a wall. I began to get tears in my eyes, why am i so useless!? Anyone could've found their way out but no! I HAD TO HAVE A LACK OF DIRECTIONS!

My knuckles started to bleed and bruise up, I slid down the wall and started to cry silently. Small sobs occasionally slipped out, I began to punch the ground to get out my anger. My hand started to bleed a good amount but I didn't care.

''Y-Y/N!? Is that you? W-What are you doing!? Your hand is breeding!'' a concerned voice spoke. I didn't care anymore, I will fight anyone who tries to drag me away. I looked up at the person and it was Japan standing there, he was not as close as I though. I gave him a glare full of grudge. I stood up and walked slowly towards him as I kept my glower at him.

''Y-Y/N? Are you okay!? We need to fix the breeding on your hand!'' he spoke with worry.

''No'' I stated darkly, getting even closer slowly raising my fists towards him ready to attack. My knuckles profusely bled, dripping off my hands.

''Kiku, leave me be, go away'' I softly said with emptiness trying to warn him of what would happen if he got too close but Japan stepped closer to me.

''No Y/N, I can't do that when you're breeding so much!'' he raised his voice a bit. I took a swing at him but he dodged it right in time, he ducked under my arm and grabbed my waist. He hoisted me up and I yelped out of surprise. He put me on his shoulder as he walked.

''Let me go! Let me go! LET ME GO!'' I shrieked as I hit him in the back with my bloodied fist as hard as i could but it didn't seem to phase him at all! Even so, I continued to hit his back with my fists out of spite. Japan walked into a bathroom and put me on the toilet seat, he walked to the bathroom door and locked it so no one could come in and i couldn't escape quick enough.

He rummaged through the bathroom sink drawers, and he took out a First-Aid kit out of the drawer. He walked slowly towards me as if I was an injured animal, which in some part I was. ''N-Now Y/N carm down, i wirr onry crean your wounds, ok?''

I glared at him, warning him if he got closer i would put up a fight. I don't want anymore of this bullshit but even so he got closer and closer. I raised my fists again and was ready to strike, he put the First-Aid kit down on the floor and before i could react he tackled me into a hug so I couldn't punch him. He sat on my lap so I couldn't escape, he had a tight grip on me and before i knew it I started to cry.

All the feelings that I had accumulated over time just spilled out, anger, frustration, fear and despair. I felt Japan rubbing circles around my back to calm me down, it worked and I stopped crying. ''Terr me what's wrong Y/N'' he softly demanded as he continued to rub my back.

I hesitated but I obliged ''I-I-I want this thing to end, I don't wanna go back'' I hardly spoke above a whisper. ''Then we won't go back ok? Now ret me crean your hands'' he said with gentleness.

I gave him a nod and he slipped out of the hug and picked up the First-Aid kit. He picked up a cotton ball and dipped some antiseptic on it. ''Now Y/N this is gonna sting a bit, so bear with it'' he carefully and slowly patted the now drenched cotton ball on my knuckles, it stung like a wildfire. I hissed out of pain and Japan had a guilt ridden look on his face for causing me pain.

He threw away the bloodied cotton ball and took up some bandage and gracefully wrapped it around my knuckles. I gave him a small smile and he gave me one back, no need for words and then he scanned my body with a sudden scowl.

"Y/N, you haven't hurt yourserf anywhere erse?" He asked with a blank stare.

"Not that I recall, I'm pretty sure I'm fine! And I'm sorry about trying to punch you... twice... I was just so scared" I said with slight guilt. Japan kept on scanning my body like I lied about being fine.

I awkwardly laughed, massaging my neck "Kiku! I'm telling the truth!" I whisper yelled but Japan didn't seem convinced enough.

"Y/N take off your crothes" he spoke with a dead serious tone. W-what was he saying!? That's sexual harassment! No way in hell, Jose. I slowly stood up and pretended for a second to take my shirt off, Japan still watching me.

"A-Atleast turn around, Kiku!" I shouted at him, as I said that he turned into a tomato and turned around. Here's my chance to run for it! I quickly started to run for the door, trying to unlock the bathroom door lock. To my bad luck it got stuck, twisting and turning it frantically but with no success. I'm so screwed right now.

I got yanked backwards and Japan standing in front of my only escape. He glared at me and stepped closer to me, as he walked towards me he got out a syringe with some mysterious liquid inside. Probably sleeping medicine, fantastic.

''Now Y/N no need to fight this, I'rr take care of you, I'rr be a good husband to you'' Japan was officially out of his mind! I stepped backwards when my back met with the bathroom wall. ''I take back the apology for trying to punch you'' I hissed with anger.

He closed in on me, with the dangerous syringe. If he injected that into me I would be knocked out cold by seconds! My mind went blank, I couldn't escape this, he blocked my only way out and even if i tried to run out he would inject the liquid before I'd reach the door. He was so close now with his chest in front of my face.

He raised the hem of my shirt and raised the syringe up, ready to stab me with it. All I could do was scream out ''I'M GETTING SEXUALLY HARASSED!'' my voice echoed through the bathroom walls.

Japan dropped the syringe out of shock and while he kept my shirt raised up. Suddenly someone started to pound on the bathroom door but it didn't budge, Japan went to pick up the syringe but I attacked him pushing him down to the ground with a loud thud. I ended up on top but he turned it around so he was on top of me. Smirking he reached for the syringe and lifted up my shirt again

But before he could inject the needle into me, the door slammed open revealing a disgruntled Frenchman.

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