They all stared at her sleeping form, a smile creeping up on their faces. "We should hurry to conference room, da?" Russia said with urgency and everybody nodded. Russia picked up C/N bridal style and held her gently as if she were going to break if he dropped her. They all walked back to the conference room with just 1 minute to spare.
Russia took off his scarf and wrapped the remaining scarf around C/N's neck and laid her on the couch. Without anyone noticing he gave her a kiss on the forehead ''Sleep well my подсолнух'' he whispered into her ear with a sickening sweet smile.
''H-How do we a-make her sign the c-contract if a-shes asleep?'' Italy spoke up, looking at the sleeping beauty on the couch. England laughed at Italy's stupidity while Germany glared menacingly at England, not liking how he mocked his friend.
"My dear Italian friend, we don't." England said with a Sly smirk, growing wider as he continued explaining " we forge the contract in her name and she'll be ours." he chuckled darkly.
Italy was rather against this idea but C/N wouldn't sign the contract with her own free will, he knew that much. He didn't want to go through with this but this was the only way he could get her to join his country and his heart.
"So what do we do when we have forged the contract, aru?" China asked, everybody froze. They didn't think that far ahead, they scratched their heads in thought. "How about a rotation circle? For one week she'll stay at one of our places, like that everything's fair and square thought I'll make her wanna stay with me honhonhon." France laughed out in confidence.
"Aiyah! Says the pervert who sexually harassed her, aru!" China looked agitated. "Honhonhon, at least I'm not the only one." France responded while looking smugly at Japan and Japan glared back in response.
"I did not do such things!" Japan howled, clearly trying to defend his pride. "Honhonhon, darling I saw what you were doing and that was more despicable than whatever I did." France snickered and Japan looked defeated, he had indeed of some sort sexually harassed you but he only tried to calm you down! Even if it was with sleeping drugs.
"Silence? I think I proved my point" France chuckled in amusement. Everyone looked at Japan with shocked faces, they thought Japan didn't like skin to skin contact at all! England shook his shock off and stated "So who's going to take sleeping beauty home first?" He questioned.
"How about a game to determine which the visiting rotation go? First gets to take her home and last place is the last one she visits." Germany suggested with a smirk. Everyone seemed to like this idea.
"Which game?" America questioned and everyone was thinking until Russia spoke "How about Russian roulette? Kolkolkol" he said with a dark tone and dangerous smirk. Everyone dismissed that game for sure. ''How about UNO?'' America shouted with glee, he loved playing UNO when it came to card games. They all thought about it and decided it was for the best since it was simple enough.
They all began to gather around the table to play UNO, the card game that ruins friendships so they say. In the end Italy lost and the winner was China, second place was taken by England and third place by Russia. France came in fourth, while Japan got fifth and Germany took sixth place. America and Italy pouted not happy with how it turned out, Italy was near tears and America sulked.
Germany put his hands on Italy's shoulder and whispered something in his ear which immediately made him jump up and down in bliss. Everyone questioned what in the world Germany said to make Italy that happy, maybe it was something about pasta. America whined about how he could lose, he always won when playing UNO and England teased with how he let him win every time.
''Enough bickering, let's get that forged contract, da?'' Russia declared, everyone nodded and England got the contract he brought with him, and forged C/N's handwriting. Everyone was amazed at how easily England could forge your handwriting in reality he studied all of the letters you sent him, in admiration he just learned how you wrote things.
''That's kinda creepy dude'' America admitted, and England glared at him ''Shut up sod-off'' he said with venom, America just laughed it off. Everyone had to admit that it was seriously creepy but they didn't voice their opinion, they had a few secrets of their own that surely would seem creepy to the others.
All of a sudden they could hear a low groan, they all looked to where the sound came from and they saw the woman on the couch beginning to awaken from the drug induced sleep. They all looked at each other in panic, she wasn't supposed to wake up yet! The drug was suppose to last for 3 hours more so she wouldn't struggle in the end. She opened her eyes and jumped with a start, obvious distressed with what had happened.
They all calmed down, she couldn't escape them now not with the contract already forged. She was already caught and belonged to them. They all smirked darkly while Italy ran towards the groggy minded woman and hugged her tightly ''Oh Y/N! You're-a awake! Welcome to a-the alliance, bella!'' He shouted gleefully while the woman looked at him with horror. She remembered everything that had transpired and started to push Italy away from her.
''Stay away!'' She shouted at the men before her, and they all began to smirk while Italy pouted. ''Now now biscuit, no need to yell, you lost and now belong to us, yes? Now why don't I brew another ''Calming'' tea for you so you can get more rest'' England said calmly and held up the forged contract so she could see how bad she had lost.
''Fuck no! I did not sign anything! It's fake therefore invalid!'' she shouted again, and england had a devious expression. ''Well Y/N who do you think the masses would believe? You, a Neutral country that never gets involved or me, a high esteemed and highly trusted country by my peers?'' she gulped, he had a point nobody would question him, if she did join with her own will the masses would think she did it because of the protection and gains.
She gnarled at England clearly pissed off, not noticing a figure getting closer and closer. Before she could notice the figure getting way too close, she felt someone tackle her down on the couch pinning her down. ''Don't worry Cherry blossom and go to sleep''Japan raised the hem of her shirt and injected the syringe into her abdomen, she could feel the hot stingy liquid enter her veins as she hissed with pain.
She tried to kick Japan off her but her strength diminished with each passing second. Her eyes was heavy yet again and the misty haze came back like the last time she was drugged. She fell back into a deep slumber and her last words were ''I won't give in''
C/N means Country name btw! ^(owo)^
подсолнух = Sunflower
Bella = Beautiful/beauty

Yandere! hetalia x Nation! reader
FanfictionYou're (country name), you got an invitation to meet up with the Alliance and the Axis, hoping to just chat and have a good time. what you didn't know was that they all had an immense obsession over you. they had prepared a maze out of hallways to...