Hello! I'm (Country name) but my human name is Y/N, my land has been thriving as long as I've been in charge. I've always stayed neutral during wars with other countries, I've always helped those in need. Medically speaking. I hate wars and I rather try to avoid them as much as possible.
I've gotten an invitation to the Allies and Axis country meeting, it sounded important enough, plus I know the countries pretty well so it would be nice to have some chats with them.
I arrived the meeting place and I opened up the dual doors of the conference room, everyone was already there except for me, makes me feel tardy hehe.
''Sorry everyone! I came in a bit late! Hehe'' I said shyly as I massaged my neck out of anxiousness. Everyone looked ecstatic to see me nonetheless.
''We a-don't mind! A Principessa is a-never too late'' Italy (Feliciano Vargas) said with glee. Everyone chuckled as I proceeded to take my seat beside Japan (Kiku Honda) and China (Yao Wang).
England (Arthur Kirkland) was the one to initiate the meeting with a clear british accent.
''We are gathered here for this meeting for a very important business we need to take care of, you all should know what's it's about, well...except for Y/N that is''
I was confused? Why am I being left out? I had an anxious look on my face, I don't like being left in the dark about stuff, more so like this!
England had a playful smirk, however it didn't look quite right it was more malicious? Crazed? I couldn't tell but I did not like it one bit.
''We would like to invite you to join us! In our alliance!''
I what? Why!? Don't they know I'm neutral? I rather not risk my people with such a thing, betrayal and power hunger I've witnessed far too much. I have to let them down easy, reject their offer softly.
''I-I-I am honored! Really!'' I said shyly, everyone's face lit up with happiness and glee, even Germany (Ludwig Beilschmidt) and Russia (Ivan Braginsky) had a small smile on their face.
''But, I have to decline the offer, I rather stay neutral and thrive the way I've been doing all along, I'm so sorry!'' the mood in the room turned sour and the air in the room turned thick, it was hard to breathe normally.
Suddenly Germany slammed his hands on the desk and walked towards me with intimidation, maybe I should've rejected it softer somehow.
''Why?'' germany looked so furious ''You could gain so much from this, why are you rejecting us?......me?'' everyone was looking at me with sad expressions, why are they so glum!? It's just an alliance I don't wanna partake in!
''Excuse me? I don't want any gains! I just wanna stay neutral!'' I scowled at Germany, how dare he try to push me into something i don't want for myself and especially my country!
''But liebling, you'd get extra protection if a war should break out!'' germany spoke softer to try to coerce me to join, that won't work on me!
''Oh mia bella, He a-speaks the truth!!'' Italy spoke and everyone seemed to be nodding at this.
I frowned ''Is there going to be a war? Is this why I'm invited to join?'' I spoke with poison in my voice knowing very well everything's peaceful in the world at this moment
They all looked at each other in defeat, knowing they couldn't convince me to join.
America (Alfred F. jones) huffed and spoke up '' dude don't make this harder than it has to be Y/N! Just accept this! Make this a bit easier for us, alright?''
Easier? What is he talking about? My anger turns into puzzlement, what does America mean?
''UGH! You dimwit!'' England breathes out with a defeated sigh. ''I can see Plan A won't work.... So, we're going with plan B everybody''
I stood up from my chair and backed away from everyone ''What do you mean by plan B!?'' I demanded to know. Everyone had a tint of a smirk on their faces knowing fully well what would happen, well except italy he looked sad that it had to end this way.
''Oh biscuit! You see, if plan A failed....we would do plan B... you could say it's like cat and mouse! You get a 3 minute head start of course but if we catch you and drag you back here within 3 hours,you'll join however caught you my dear'' England announced, his smirk getting more malevolent.
''That's so not fair! I'm not gonna play that stupid game! I'm out!'' I marched out until I saw a blur running past me, blocking the exit. It was China, why are they doing this!?
''I'm so sorry but i can't let you go aru!'' China has a determined look on his face.
''Even you Yao!? Let me pass!" I said as I forcefully pushed him away.As I was headed out I heard England say "Remember Y/N, 3 minutes head start" what a load of bullshit.

Yandere! hetalia x Nation! reader
FanfictionYou're (country name), you got an invitation to meet up with the Alliance and the Axis, hoping to just chat and have a good time. what you didn't know was that they all had an immense obsession over you. they had prepared a maze out of hallways to...