''I fancy to go home, back to my country Arthur'' I spat out, England chuckled ''Can't do that love, you see I don't plan to let you go'' he said while smirking, that son of a bitch! ''I won the game right? So you guys lost and I can go home'' I said it more like a question than a statement.
England hollered with laughter, so much that he had to hold his stomach that little shit. ''Oh Y/N I see you fell for Alfred's ploy, wouldn't have expected that since he's a numb skull'' I paled, so the time was wrong? But then why would they lead me here!? And why was America and England collaborating?
''I see that you have questions dear, and I'll answer them if you come sit down with me'' he said with annoyingly sweet tone. I huffed out with aggravation and walked towards the opposite couch England was sitting on. America sat with England and poured himself some tea. ''Fire away my dear, I see you're anxious to know my successful plan, yes?''
Successful!? So he already have me trapped somehow? Ugh this is so bothersome ''Alfred, how did you trick me?'' my question was directed at America, this slightly annoyed England and that's delightful. ''Well I changed your phone's time!'' He gleefully said with childish laughter. Of course! How the fuck could I be such a dumbfuck!? I face palmed out of embarrassment.
England joined in on the laughs while I just sat there sulking and thinking about my life choices. I'm officially dead. I'm done. Goodbye world.
''Now now dear, don't look so glum, have some tea and relax a bit and all of this will be over very soon'' England said with a dark grin on his face as he pointed at the already poured cup of tea. ''Yeah no I'm not drinking anything that might be spiked and I have more questions'' I obviously stated to England and he looked irked while I smiled sweetly at him to agitate him more but somehow I made them both blush.
England cleared his voice ''You must be wondering why we didn't lead you to the conference room, yes?'' England stated while I nodded intently. ''Well Alfred slightly altered the time to make you feel more confident and follow him here with minimum struggle, quite unlike him, yes? Even you were fooled'' slightly? So does that mean there's still time for them to take me!?
I panicked as I looked around me, to my luck I saw another door! It might be unlocked and I can get the hella out of here! I looked back at England and America and it seemed like they knew what I was about to do, I ran towards the door as fast as I could and I slammed the door open. I felt euphoric as the door opened without any trouble, I ran through the door but only got 3 footsteps outside the room before a pair of strong arms grabbed my waist and stopped my movement. I whipped my head back to see Russia holding me in place.
I looked around and saw everyone was here, what was going on!? Why are they all in one place!? ''You didn't finish listening to the Englishman sunflower'' Russia said with a smile, oh this is bad! Very bad!
''What is going on!?'' I shouted as Russia walked me back to the ''tea'' room, he led me back to the couch and made me sit with him. Everyone followed suit and found places to sit on the couches. I was trapped between Russia and Germany, I was officially screwed.
''Now darling, that was quite rude, but since you rushed the grand reveal I might as well explain'' England said with a forced smile and I began to shake life a leaf in the wind, I feel helpless as everyone's eyes was directed at me making my anxiety fly off the roof. With a concerned expression Russia wrapped his scarf around me so we were interlocked by the warm scarf, he must've thought I was cold oh how wrong he was.
Everyone glared at Russia with Envious stares, even Italy had a smudge of envy while Russia just smiled sweetly at all of them feigning innocence. England cleared his voice and everyone stopped glaring at Russia and directed their gazes to England. ''You might wonder why we all gathered here, yes? Well you see We've come to an agreement of some sorts, we all get to 'share' you and therefore you shall become everyone's ally''
I paled, they were working together now!? When I think about it almost every time I escaped was with another clashing together trying to single handedly take me back. So If they were to work together there was little to no chance of escaping! There's was 8 against 1! So this was England's plan all along, that cunt!
''W-why d-d-did you all agree t-to this?'' I stuttered out, completely shocked and out of my mind. Everyone darkly chuckled while Italy had a shamed expression and looked away. ''Darling, you are very sly and we would've ran out of time if we didn't, resulting in none of us getting what we want'' England stated with slight bothered tone. He changed his frown into a smile ''So why don't you have to 'tea' before we sign the alliance contract?'' England's voice was like sweet honey but I was no bee.
''No'' I said grimly, England looked irked off. Everyone looked disappointed by me not wanting to drink a drugged tea and they started to bicker with each other. They all spoke at the same time and I couldn't keep up to their conversation. Everyone bickered except for one, Russia. He picked up the tea cup and put the tea into his mouth, nobody seemed to notice and Russia looked at me with deviousness in his eyes. I knew what he was about to do and tried to lean away from Russia which caught Germany's attention.
Germany caught on and put his hands around on my shoulders and turned my torso towards Russia, holding me in place so I couldn't shuffle away. ''I don't particularly like this either so consider this your punishment'' he whispered to me with dead seriousness. Russia's face was mere inches away from mine, I gasped and before I knew it his lips was on mine. His lips was chapped but soft, he put his fingers under my chin and lifted my face up so I had to swallow the drugged tea he had put in his mouth. When I had swallowed it I pushed Russia away but the scarf interlocking us together prevented me from pushing him away completely.
Everyone gaped at what just happened, even England looked shocked it seemed like he didn't expect that outcome. I tried to stand up but my body wouldn't let me, Germany had to hold me upright so I wouldn't fall. My mind felt hazy and my eyes were heavy, I struggled to keep them open. I tried to speak but only intangible words came out, my expression turned into an angry scowl, I used all of my remaining energy to raise my hand up and give all of them a big fuck you with my middle finger. The last thing I heard was chuckles and laughter before I completely blacked out.

Yandere! hetalia x Nation! reader
FanfictionYou're (country name), you got an invitation to meet up with the Alliance and the Axis, hoping to just chat and have a good time. what you didn't know was that they all had an immense obsession over you. they had prepared a maze out of hallways to...