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There's no way I'm gonna play this ridiculous game! I ran through the halls as fast as i could to get away from the conference room as much as possible. All the halls looked the same as i tried to find my way to the exit.

Curse my lack of direction! I should've paid more attention to when i entered the building! I'm pretty sure this was the part of their devious plan to get me to join one of them. If i can't find the exit yet, i better just hide for the time being.

I stopped briefly to scan my narrow area, there was still hallways with many doors. I randomly picked one of them and shut the door. I scanned the room for any good hiding places, I found a old and dark wooden cabinet that might just fit me. It'll be a tight fit but there's no other good hiding places.

I could try to hide in the ceiling if there was any loose panels but there's no way i'll reach that high so, old, tight cabinet it is. I open the cabinet and its fairly empty, that's good. I tried as best as i could to fit into the cabinet, and to my good fortune i actually fit. I closed the doors and made myself comfortable for the time being.

I decided to check my phone, maybe i can contact someone to help! I checked my phones cell services, but no luck. There was no reception, ugh they probably planned this as well. There was literally no way to contact people from the outside of the building. No Wifi and no cell service. I checked the time, and it definitely had been more than 3 minutes by now. Should i just hide til the 3 hours are up? Or should i try to find the exit as fast as possible? I don't even know anymore!

Suddenly the door creaked open and i put my hands to my mouth to prevent from making any breathing sounds. I heard 2 pairs of feet enter the room, the two people were talking very low so i couldn't tell what they were saying.

One of the them left the room, and i heard the other move objects around. My heart was pounding in my chest. I kept my hands on my mouth, please dont check the cabinet! All of a sudden i heard a chuckle from the person, it sounded like Germany.

''Mein frau, please get out of the cabinet, I know you're hiding in there'' he said with a dark chuckle. I kept my aching body still, my body frozen with fear. I heard him take steps towards my hidding space, getting closer and closer. It was so tantizlingly slow.

I heard the cabinet doors open and light came pouring in, blinding me slightly. I could feel two strong arms hold onto my shoulders as i was having my eyes closed. As i opened them i saw a smiling Germany holding me in place so i couldn't run.

''Mein frau, stop struggling and just become apart of the Axis'' he said as he tried to drag me out of the cabinet. I kept struggling, not wanting him to drag me back to the conference room.

''L-Ludwig! I dont wanna be part of any on this!'' i shouted quietly, to not attract any attention from the others who might be roaming the hallways.

''I see..... I see that i have to drag you back there myself, you have no choice liebling'' he said with a dark grin. He had successfully dragged me out of the cabinet and he kept his hands on my shoulders his chest facing me. I had to escape this room somehow!

''Oh liebling, I'm sorry i have to treat you so roughly at this time.... But when we get back to the conference room i promise you i will treat you like a queen'' he moved his hand on my waist and started to hug me, his head on my shoulder and my face right in his chest. I blushed red like a tomato!

I had to think quick, i can't fight him off me he's way too strong for me. Suddenly an idea popped up, it was kinda scummy but what he was doing was much scummy as i was thinking.

''I'm so sorry Ludwig, but I\m not getting caught just yet!'' I brought my knee into his no no square as quick and strong as i could. He hunched over in pain and let go of my waist. I reacted quickly and moved hurriedly to the door out of here.

''FELICIANO DON'T LET HER ESCAPE'' Germany shouted lowly, as I opened the door I ran into yet another chest. Two other hands snaked around my waist to prevent me from falling on my butt. I looked up and there was Italy looking down at me with a shocked expression but it soon turned into a gleeful smile.

''Ah! Hello there mia bella!'' he kept his hands around my waist and moved me closer to him. I heard two footsteps coming towards us and i could feel a presence standing right behind me.

''Now now liebling, that's enough struggling just come with us quietly and I'll overlook what you just did'' his voice made my body shiver, I had nowhere to escape! There was two against one, so unfair!

''Mia bella, please! I a-don't know a-what I-a would do if a- the others a-caught you!'' Italy said pleadingly, his eyes were glazed over with tears brimming in his eyes. I felt bad for him but I couldn't just give up my country to any of them!

''I'm s-sorry Feli! But I can't do that! Let me go'' I said with determination. I heard a sigh behind me and suddenly I was turned around and picked up bridal style by an annoyed German. I had my hands wrapped around his neck so i wouldn't fall, a sly smirk on his stupid face. Italy had a pout on his face as he was the one who wanted to carry me.

Germany and Italy walked down the hallways with me in the Germans hold, I had been silent the whole way, thinking of anything that would help me yet again. Suddenly there was heavy footsteps with something scraping the ground, it came from the hallway corner so we couldn't see who it was.

Germany and Italy decided to go another route to avoid whoever was around the corner. But before they could I screamed for help, this was the only way of getting out of this sticky situation. Germany gave me a glare and put me down. Italy held my hand, probably to prevent me from running away.

The heavy scraping sound and the footsteps came closer with a dark giggle sound. Germany was in fighting stance already.

The one who came out of the hallway corner wa- ''I heard my sunflower calling for my help, da?''

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