Ch 42 - The Culprit

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Copyright to VedaPettigrew

I observed Dominic through the window, kneeling over the back of the sofa. I'd finally managed to persuade him that he could leave me for an hour - I would be safe. He needed to let out the aggression that was only increasing with each frustration of not finding the culprit, so he was fight training on the lawn. As I watched, all his strongest warriors were continually advancing on him, throwing punches and kicks that were deflected before he viciously attacked back. The pile of unconscious men was growing and I was glad that my favourite warrior was sturdily guarding the door.

I let out a sigh and felt Hammer come and stand behind me. After a few minutes of silence while we watched Dominic's angry form beating down the defenceless men he spoke, "You were right, he needs this. Don't worry about the warriors, they all volunteered for this, they consider it an honour. It's not the first time they've been knocked unconscious by him and it won't be that last."

Dominic's fist caught Wade's jaw with a firm hit that must have felt like being struck by a concrete beam. Wade's head and body flew through the air, hitting the grass with a spectacular thud, someone hurried to him, pulling him to the side to be checked out by the doctors on duty.

Of course it wasn't the usual place to train but Dominic refused to go further. Every few minutes he would glance at the window to make sure I was still there, still okay, but even with that distraction, the warriors were not landing any decent hits.

"I know he does. It's been a stressful week for him."

Hammer came behind the sofa and crouched down to look me in the eye as I leant over the back. "It's been a stressful week for you too," he said softly. "How are you holding up?"

"I've actually enjoyed the time I've spent with Dominic. I know he's been unbearable with everyone else but..."

"Not with you," he finished with a smile.

I smiled back, "No, not with me. I worry for him though, he's going to explode if we don't find out the perpetrator soon."

"Yes. Not getting the results he wants is making things worse, I thought it was bad enough the day it happened, I never imagined his fury could get so intense." Hammer pulled a face.

"That's kinda why I'm worried for those men out there."

"Don't be, yes he's raging with fury, but he's still in control. He could be doing a lot more damage than he is now," he looked deep into my eyes with a warmth that plainly showed his love for me. "But that's not what I asked. I asked how you are. Not how you are, relating to Alpha."

I stared back at him slightly shaking my head, "I don't know what you mean?"

He narrowed his eyes, "Luna, you were attacked in your own home while with your mate. You were in a safe and loving place, and suffered something violent. You matter, how you feel matters. Don't worry about Alpha so much that you forget yourself."

"I'm fine," I pushed his worry away with a flip of my hand.

He stared at me, not saying anything.

"Really Hammer, I'm fine."

"Are you? Or have you just not let yourself think about it properly, using Dominic as a deflection?" His solid square face was immobile as he forced me to meet his gaze.

"No, I..." I thought about it. Dominic really had been the only thing I focussed on this past week. How he was hurt because I was, how he reacted to my pain with sorrow, how he responded to the reports with anger. He had been what I fixed my attention to. I hadn't even thought about myself. I was fine.

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