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Hi guys how are you I know you are a little confused about last episode that why Y/n has said to Jungkook to leave and why did Y/n gave in under Taehyung. So let me make it clear Y/n has said to Jungkook leave because she knows how low Taehyung can go if he can beat Jungkook this badly so he won't hesitate to kill him. Y/n doesn't want to put anyone related to her in any danger. She has decided that she will asks the doctor to privately to abort her child. She will be a wife that Taehyung wanted she will do anything he aks her to do.

So lets start the story now

This is gonna start when Taehyung is taking you to the hospital.

You- Please Taehyung drive faster *sobs*

Taehyung- Princess I'm doing

Later you reached to the hospital which looked like centuries. Taehyung carried you to the pregnant ward. There was Mr. Murat standing with a nurse. He was shocked to see you looking so pale and with a worse condition compared to the last time. He immediately asked a ward boy to take you to emergency room.

There Mr. Murat was doing all inspection on you. You gathered all your strength and said him with a pleading eyes.

You- Please a-aboart my child.

Dr. Murat- Why are you saying this don't you want this child.

You- Its not that b-but its better to a-abort this baby I don't w-want him or her to suffer P-please make it look like it could not s-survive.

With the last word everything blackout and you dont know that what Dr. Murat was gonna say. As you were inside Taehyung outside sitting and recalling what happened that he did this.

Taehyung's pov


I was so devastated that Y/n rejected me. Was I not capable of her. What was the reason that she cares for Jungkook I couldn't hold my anger back so I went to bar which was my usual.

I left the home with my car. It was practically my half bar because my friend Jung Hoseok when I was entering the bar I spotted him he was wearing

 It was practically my half bar because my friend Jung Hoseok when I was entering the bar I spotted him he was wearing

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I greeted him. With a smile

You- Hi how are you

Hoseok- I'm fine but I have seen you coming after so many days.

You- I'm fine but not so fine too give me a hard drink this time.

Mystery in Love.. Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin