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Hi guys I know I am late but please accept my apology because my test has just finiahed so I am free from my studies.. So let's begin our new chapter.
So I figured out that I am gonna skip some part so this chapter will directly start from the day before they have to go school so it's basically Sunday's evening.
Your pov..
Rida- Have you packed all your books and items that we are needed for school.

You- Yes I had did but I am just being little nervous about the school. I just thinking will we be able to make friends.

Rida- Of course we can so don't worry about anything and I am saying that I am going to sleep.

You- Ya I know that you are really going to sleep at 7:30pm really Rida your excuse is so lame so you can go wherever you want but be back before 9 OK.

Rida- How can you know everything about me when I am telling a lie.

You- You should be thankful because I hate you so much.

Rida- But I love you so much.

You- I think you are getting late your friends are waiting on the door.

Rida- Y'all just go and I will be home before 9 so don't worry.
Rida went out with her friends whom you can call our neighbors.

You- Now what should I do I am kinda bored. Should I sing or dance in my room and even Rida is also not at home so no one will know.
Really Y/n don't know about the cameras in her room so basically she is not alone Taehyung would be seeing everything.


The place you were dancing was an empty room of her attic

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The place you were dancing was an empty room of her attic.

You- So let's begin

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You- So let's begin.. So dance

Think that you are the one in red and there is no behind you.

You I never know I am a good dancer *proud of myself* wow but now I am tired and I am sweating badly it's better to take a bath and eat something.
One hour later.
Your clothes

Mystery in Love.. Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant