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I don't know where to start it..  It's my first fan fiction.. So plz coperate with me and give ur luv and support to it and if there is any problems in this ff so please tell me OK..


Everything started when my mom use to always blabber to study.. But I always to say I will study. ( I know who study😂😂😂)

How can I forget that day or especially that night. He came in my dream and told me I can do it I will meet him surely....
            Why??? How?? When??
I don't know but I believed my vision because it was a face that I can't forget I tried to ask his name but I only heard a soothing voice saying
  " You will meet me Princess when the time will come"
  So do you wanna know what happens and how.. So wait.

Mystery in Love.. Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now