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Chapter 17

". . ."

The high sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky, as the sun shone brilliantly above and the water in pond glittered invitingly, a calm spot around a beautiful green land atop a slightly curved ground underneath a tall saturated tree with thick leaves that danced along the swirling wind rhyming with each other and rustling whenever the wind blew through them.

A young boy who wore noble clothes of a guard with long dark hair and a handsome facial appearance, relaxed under the warm shadow of the tree with his eyes closed calmly while resting his elbow on the hilt of his short sort which was protected in its sheath.


A young beautiful voice of a young healthy girl called out from behind the tree.

The boy quickly stood up, looking around, searching out for the source of this voice, until a young beautiful girl who wore well-tattered clothes with luminous red straps around her dress and carvings like gold, her white skin that was slightly pink reflected her beauty at a young age,
She moved behind the boy as she poked his back, as he quickly reacted by turning around quickly facing the young beauty.

"Your Highness!"

The boy panicked as he saw the girl's face yet he had a puzzled look on his face.

"Is there something I can do for you?"

The boy asked while bowing, keeping his parlance on one knee touching the surface.

"Pffft... Silly I told you to stop acting like a formal rock Guang, also father is not around so just call me Yue."

Said Yue in a silky feminine voice before laughing afterward.

"I'm afraid I cannot, even if I wanted to. You still didn't tell the reason for your pleasant visit"

Guang rose his head slightly above to be able to take a closer look at Yue while she continued laughing softly.

"That's really none of your business"

Yue slowly laid back, attempting to sit on the waving grass underneath the tree nearby the young boy, he quickly noticed her movement and once again reacting quickly by spreading his pale yellow scarf underneath her, as she sat on it quickly noticing what he did later.

"Quite the gentleman, aren't you...?"

She looked at him in amazement, yet surprised.

"You needn't worry, please don't stay outside for too long. . . his Majesty may be worried about you."

Said Guang, returning back to his relaxation position and closing his eyes again, softly feeling the soft wind touch his face again.

Yue laid her back against the tree while gazing above at the clear blue sky, listening to the moving sounds, of the hummingbirds, and the rustling of the leaves slowly.

A moment of tranquility and peace passed in silence.

"I used to think that the world is just so small, simple, tiny... to live in a huge palace, to be provided with many things. That's why I envy you... Guang"

Yue rolled her head to the side, as she began to stare at Guang, her eyes gleamed with tears, as she continued letting the words out of her mouth, with a disturbed voice.

"Guang I just wish I could live like a normal girl... I don't want this power! I don't want any of this"

Guang noticed the drastic change, on the Yue's expressions and emotions. Hesitantly he moved his hand towards her cheek until she grabbed his hand gently placing it on her crimson, smooth cheek. With her petite hand, she began to rub his palm against her cheek. "Yue..." Guang spoke in a low tone, his feelings collided, unable to express his own emotions, to leave him speechless. Guang began to wipe Yue's tears away until he remembered something.

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