❝Serpents Attack❞

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Chapter 13

The princess and her troop have finally arrived at the Bu-Jing temple, the princess wore fancy clothes, a sign of royalty. She was surrounded by her guards and her advisors from each side. However, Guang was leading the troop with the princess and the others behind him. They approached the gate as the guards saw them they greeted them.

"Humble monks, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Guang Dai Shu, the personal guardian of Princess Yue Xing, we have come here to meet his mighty. Elder Monk Yong Zhi, after his agreement of course..."

"What a humble guy...." The guard thought to himself as they bowed before each other "Of course sir Guang Dai Shu. Welcome to the Bu-Jing temple!"

The guards moved out of the way as they pushed the gates wide open for the princess and her troop to pass, and enter the temple.

A sudden thought stroke the guard's mind as he spoke immediately, he remembered three different faces from earlier, who claimed to be with the princess. But before he spoke his mind, Guang, The princess, and her troop had entered into the temple, his brows furrowed.

"Brother, please watch the gate until I return, there is something I need to check quickly. . ." the guard handed his spear to the other guard as he rushed immediately into the temple.

"Brother wai-. . what's wrong with him?"

Apparently, there was someone who was watching the gate from one of the Temple's roofs. A man who wore black clothes, around his body and around his head which was covering his identity with black cloth.

"They have arrived... inform the boss"

Said the main in a low yet gruff voice to someone behind him. And apparently, he wasn't the only one standing with the same odd outfit. Which definitely referred to assassins.
More than a single person who had the same appearance as him; were standing behind him hiding in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to act.

"What about those three others who came first?" One of the assassins behind him said.

"Track them from above, we will deal with them sooner... " Instantly they disappeared when they entered into a shady area under the roof. As if the shadows had engulfed them completely.

"Amazing. . .just like they said, this is indeed the mighty Bu-Jing temple." Said Zongse. When he saw the disciples of the temple training all together, while crossing their staffs against one another in the training yard, outside of the temple.

"Woah. . .Zuojia look. All of these baldies"

Kaijin said while pointing at the temple disciples.
"Oh! You are right, I wanna keep my hair though. So where do we meet the elder monk Zongse?" Zuojia Said, before he moved to look at Zongse, while asking a sudden question yet so bluntly.

"Are you really. . . .ASKING M-"

Zongse yelled at Zuojia in the middle of anger, however, when he looked behind him he saw something that put a shock on his face. The princess and her troop had finally arrived. And ahead of them was Guang.

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