Jisung {oneshot} pt.1

Start from the beginning

He hesitated for a second before pulling out his headphones from the computer and turning the speakers up, "I actually like to compose my own music. I'm working on a new song right now." He told you, with a hint of nervousness in his voice as you carefully listened.

"Woah, this is really good. Is that you rapping?" You asked impressed as you nodded your head to the catchy beat.

"Yeah, it's just me doing the rapping and the singing." He said shyly, since he didn't often let people listen to his songs, and certainly wasn't expecting any compliments.

'Damn, this boy is talented.' You thought to yourself.

"Have you ever thought about sharing your music with the public?"You asked.

"I don't know... I guess I'm too scared in case people think it sounds too different."

"But I think it's a good different, and you definitely already have one fan, so what is there to be scared of?" You asked giving him a reassuring grin.

He smiled back at you, but stayed quiet as he thought about it.

After a while, his mind wandered and it was only then that he noticed the sparkly dress and high heels that you were wearing. Of course, you had shown up for a party so it was expected, but since he had been treating you like a friend this whole time, he didn't even realise how pretty you were until now.

You shuffled around awkwardly and pulled the hem of your dress down a bit, as you noticed him staring at your body.

He quickly looked away again, not meaning to make you feel uncomfortable. "Um, if you get cold, you can wear my hoodie." He mumbled as he pointed to the black piece of clothing behind you. "And you might want to take your shoes off, it seems like you're going to be here for a while." He said, looking at his watch to find that it was only 10pm.

You gladly took his advice and slipped your high heels off, before putting on his large, comfy hoodie.

For the rest of the night, you continued to listen to music together and he taught you how to play a few of his favourite computer games as well. To be honest, you were just grateful that you decided to open the door to this room earlier on. Who knows what you would have done if you were still downstairs by yourself...

As it reached 2am, you knew the party wasn't even close to finishing due to the loud music that was still blasting, but you felt bad for keeping him awake when he probably wanted to sleep, so you began putting your heels back on as you spoke, "Well, thank you so much for letting me hang out here. You honestly saved me from an awful night, but I better go and see if my friend's ready to leave now." You said before standing up.

To both of your surprises, he also stood up and followed you. "Yeah no worries, I'll just go to the kitchen and get some water." He quickly explained, but truthfully, he just didn't want you to leave yet.

You both went downstairs and frowned at the mess of people dancing on each other and pouring drinks down their throats. "Here, we can get through this way." He mumbled into your ear, as he gently put a hand on your back and guided you through the crowd.

"Do you need help finding your friend?" He asked, once you made it to a fairly empty spot in the kitchen.

"Yeah, thanks. She's quite tall with long brown hair, and she's wearing a short red dress." You described as you looked around yourself.

"Uhh is that her?" He shouted over to you, pointing to a girl on the couch, who was intensely making out with a guy you had never seen before.

"Yup." You muttered before you awkwardly waited for them to finish kissing. You grabbed her arm and pulled her up, "Ok time for you to go home." You told her sternly.

After a few whines and a lot of shoving, you both managed to get her to the front door. "How are you getting home?" He asked concerned.

"By taxi, there's no way I can walk with her like this." You laughed, "Oh wait, I almost forgot." You said as you went to take off his hoodie that you had been wearing.

"Don't worry, you should keep it since it's so cold outside." He told you kindly.

"But how can I give it back to you?" You asked concerned.

He simply smiled and said, "My brother's throwing another party next weekend... you're coming right?"


To be continued...

Idk why but my recent imagines keep including alcohol 😂

Part 2 will be out soon, but please vote and comment any of your opinions so far! ❤️

- Lucy 💕

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