Chapter 32

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Chapter 33

Lilly POV

I was angry at Juliana that was for sure. She didn't believe me when I told her I hadn’t leaked the gossip out. I wish I had been the one to do it. Whoever did was genius. It seems I had a bit of competition. No worries though. I had something in the works. I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a black lacy fitted gown. It was dangerously low cut.  I smoothed my red curly hair around my face. I adjusted my wide brimmed black hat and pulled on my black gloves.

I practiced a few delicate frowns in the mirror. I drew in a few shaky breaths. Then I dabbed my handkerchief to my eyes. Perfect. It was very convincing. My brother was waiting downstairs to escort me to the funeral. Mother and Father were back home visiting the family, they hadn't heard the news.

I hate funerals. They are so filled with the full spectrum of human emotion, something I swear I'm allergic to. People are always hugging me and sobbing. Faking emotion is so tiring. I grow quite tired of it. It's not that I didn't like Jake; I just lack natural compassion and affection. I'm not crazy. Quite far from it actually. I prefer the term visionary.

My brother escorted me from the carriage. It was dreary day and everyone wore black. A large casket was surrounded by flowers. People were crying, it sent a chill up my spine.

Elizabeth was seated in a chair towards the front. I decided to sit next to her. Keep your enemy's close people always say. In that case I wanted the Weathers very close.

"Elizabeth, how are you"? She looked much shaken.

"Fine,” She wouldn't look at me.

"Where is Juliana?”

"Art school, in North Carolina?” This surprised me. She had never mentioned art before.

"Family and friends we ask for a moment of silence." The preacher mumbled on and on about Jake. Something wasn't sitting right with me though. Juliana disappears all of a sudden, Elizabeth acting so strangely. I decided to follow her to wherever she went today. I had a feeling something was going on right beneath my nose.

Mrs. Dallas stood to say a few words. "It means so much to me that you all were able to attend. It's what Jake would have wanted. Please come back to our home for refreshments."

She became to cry and Mr. Dallas had to escort her to her seat. "Elizabeth why don’t you join Shane and I in the carriage to go to the Dallas's?"

"I don’t know Lilly..."

"Oh please it will be good fun. I need some female company."


I clasped my hands together girlishly. Being Elizabeth’s new best friend wasn't exactly what I had hoped for, but if that’s what it would take to bring myself back to the top of the gossip chain then that's what I had to do. Shane stepped to our sides and escorted us into the coach. His hand lingering at the small of Elizabeth's back.

"Uh hum Shane." I was left outside the coach waiting for him to assist me. Really Shane has no class. It irritates me that mother and father let him out into society. "So Elizabeth is it true about you and Tim Dallas?" Elizabeth knew what game I was playing. She stopped looking down hearted and held herself high.

"Miss Wren I say you are a fan of the gossip columns."

"Miss Weathers who isn't?"

"Well when you’re a regular feature in the columns it tends to get on your nerves."

"Of course. Did you ever find out who leaked out that information?"

"Whoever did it is unimportant."

That’s all she did so I didn't pry anymore. We rode the rest of the way making idle chatter about the weather and such. I wasn't looking forward to sticking to Elizabeth’s side all day, and talking with grief stricken people. We arrived at the Dallas's and Elizabeth stepped out and left me behind. This was going to be much more difficult than I thought.

"Shane pick up the pace won't you."

"What is your sudden fascination with Elizabeth?"

"I was going to ask you that very same question." He just continued to walk on in silence. Right before I reached the door he spoke. "We are here to honor a dead friend, please don’t make it all about you."

I scowled at him. He was only a year older and yet he was treating me like a small child. "You should be less concerned about me and more concerned about that excuse of a personality you posses." I felt like a small child throwing a temper tantrum but sometimes I couldn't help myself.

Where was Elizabeth? She was getting some punch and now she was gone. I plopped down on the sofa with frustration.

"Howdy."  A strange southern accent said.

"Excuse me."

"Sorry, I'm Victoria Heights." She trusted her hand into mine. I just looked at it with disdain. She pulled it back awkwardly.

"Do I know you?" I looked her over. She wreaked poverty. She wore a simple working dress and had worn hands. She had long wavy brown locks. For some reason her facial features seemed strangely familiar.

 "You knew my sister I'm sure. Ashley Heights, she was well.... involved with Derek Sharn."

I could only stare at this mystery woman in amazement.

"I came to the Sharn house but a young girl told me I’d find ya'll here."

"What do you mean involved?"

She rocked on her heels back and forth. "She was having his baby."

I practically fell out of my seat. I hadn't heard about any of this. "Please come sit down." I patted the seat next to me. She happily sat a bit too close for comfort. I snapped my fingers in order to have a waiter bring me some champagne.

"So Victoria please explain to me about this sister of yours."

"Well she was a servant for the Sharn’s I believe. Then she and Derek became a bit intimate and she was having his baby. Well then she died in the factory fire."

I was having a hard time digesting all this information. All I wanted to do was run to the gossip columnist who was here. I quickly regained my composure.

"So why you are here Miss..."

"Victoria. Well my momma died of this fever that’s been going round. I got no family to go to. I thought maybe my sister’s old family would take me in."

This girl was so naive about what her sister’s situation was, and no doubt would not be welcomed into the Sharn’s home.

"Why don't you stay with me for a few days while you get settled here?"

She wiped away the tears that had begun to fall. "I'd be mighty thankful."

"I'll be back." I was going to find Elizabeth and bid her goodbye. She could take her own coach home. I didn't care about whatever she hiding this was seemed to be bigger and better. Where was she I thought to myself? I heard some light sniffling. I followed the sounds down the long deserted hallway. At the end of the hallway a small door was left ajar.

I tiptoed silently and leaned against the wall to catch the bits of conversation being exchanged. Ones of the voices were definitely Elizabeth’s but I couldn't discern the other.

"It’s just so much to take in, with Juliana gone and my father lying with another woman."

"I know dear, but it will get better."

"I wish I could tell you everything, but I can't."

She began to talk quieter, divulging some enormous secret. I leaned forward to hear more, but a board beneath me squeaked loudly. I let out an audible gasp. The voices went silent and I heard the swishing of the dresses coming towards the door. I ran as silently as I could.

Today was just getting better and better.

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