4: The Big Game

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It was cold. My body still hurt. I was beyond ready to go home and it was still thirty seconds left of the game. I didn't really care for football, but right now my attention was less than there. I only became a cheerleader to keep my eye on Xander. We were tied and at this point it was anyone's game. I just wished they'd hurry it up already. We had enough time for one last play and we were at the 40 yard line. The team would have to be fast and cunning if they wanted to win this. Boy 1 were on the side lines on the tip of his toes. Coach had made him the assistant coach since he graduated two years ago. He finished community college a few months ago and now he was always at the home games.

"Alright we're down to final seconds of the game. It's down to our quarterback number 13 Alexander Thompson." damn it Boy 3 has been named. "All we need is one more complete pass and we win." I didn't hear the rest of the sports commentator words seeing as the game had already started. This play would determine if I could go home or be forced to endure overtime. The ball had been hiked and Boy 3 was looking for a open wide reciever, but finding no one he began searching for the running back, Xander. I held my breath as Xander hands came in contact with the ball. He looked determined as he pushed his legs to go faster. Maybe last night was a bad idea after all. None of us really had the energy to be here let alone play in the game right now. "This may be it ladies and gentlemen. This may be one. He's at the 30! The 20! The 10! Touchdown! Touch....down! Ladies and gentlemen the Northside Eagles win again!" I turned around smiling at Zac as he ran off the bleachers excitedly before we both ran to Xander. He'd done it, he had scored the winning goal. Now all that was left was the week long anticipation before first day.

"Dude you did it!" yelled Zac as they hugged.

"I-I..." he stuttered still in shock from what happened.

"Yes Xander. You made the winning touchdown. I say that deserves a special kind of celebration." I wink as he finally snapped out of it and smirked at me.

"I agree." he laughed.

"Good. Now hurry up so we can finally get some real hangover food in our systems." I laughed as he pouted.

"Wait," cut in Zac looking as if things finally clicked for him. "Are you telling me this douche just won the game sore and hungover?" he asked. My eyes widen as I jumped up and down.

"Holy shit! PoohBear you're amazing!" I yelled as he just smiled.

"I actually forgot about that." he shrugged.


"So what are the plans for tonight?" asked Zac as we laid in his bed trying hard not to fall asleep. As you could've guessed we celebrated with sex.

"We can still go to the party." breathed Xander.

"I just want to go to sleep, but your mom will kill me if that happens again." I sighed slowly sitting up. It still amazes me how we've never had threesomes before.

"Well we can't go to your house because you're brothers would kill us." he laughed in response.

"Can't go to mines because I have airheads for sisters and the idiots would post us all online." sighed Xander. "Especially if we're naked."

"Sadly, we're too big to even try sleeping in the tree house again." I said.

"There's no way our parents will let us get an apartment." added Xander. "And if they did there will be questions."

"Do you know what, I'm going to fix this. Just get dress. We're going to nap and I'll deal with my mom when she gets here."

"I can't ask you to do that Zac." I panicked wide-eyed.

"Well it's a good thing that you didn't ask." he smirked cockily. I rolled my eyes too tired to fight with him. Like last time the guys helped me to get dressed and cleaned up the room to look like we were just hanging out and just casual fell asleep after getting comfortable. However, this time they were lying on the floor with just pillows and I was on the bed. This was probably the safest way to keep us from getting a lecture...or just me...again. It took me a little longer to fall asleep, but eventually I did.

I was startled awake by the sounds of yelling. I yawned rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as Xander tried to cuddle me.

"What's going on?" I asked groggily.

"Nothing just go back to sleep." he whispered soothingly. It almost worked...almost.

"I don't care! She shouldn't be sleeping over!" yelled Mrs.Jameson. I gasped sitting up too fast tears filling my eyes.

"We were just napping ma! I don't get it! We've literally done this all of our lives!"

"You're seventeen now damn it! You will respect my wishes and keep that whore of a bitch out of your bed! And you most definitely will respect me in my own damn house." I could feel the choked breath before I heard it. Is that what she really thought of me. Xander tried to grab me as tears began sliding down my cheeks.

"I can't believe she said that and from the sounds of it neither can Zac."

"I'm out of here. Tell Zac I'm sorry." I cried gathering up my things and climbing out of the window. I wasn't a whore. I've always been loyal to them and only them. Yet somehow she still hates and I've never done anything to hurt her son, Xander and their families.

I didn't know where to go. I couldn't go home because it was obvious no one was there anymore and I really didn't feel like being alone. I could just get in my car and drive, I just needed to get away from here, but I was so use to driving around with the guys. I sighed as more tears slid down my cheeks as I fell to my knees. I never understood why she hated me until now and it's crazy because she doesn't even know about anything that we do. I sighed hearing two pairs of feet walking up behind me.

"Just leave me alone." I cried.

"Not a chance in hell." spat Zac.

"Besides we've never let you cry alone." added Xander

"Because I've cried because of you guys before. Now I am and right now I just need to be alone."

"Alexander-" the both said simultaneously.

"No. Right now we aren't anything. Right now we're barely friends. It's just has to be like this for a while." I cried getting up and running away. I got in my car and drove away. For once hearing they were screaming my name and it wasn't for a good reason.

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