10 - Play The Game

Start from the beginning

"Hey, I'm Eleanor." She introduced herself.

Louis grinned, starting up her car. He might as well learn to get along with her, it wasn't her fault that their management were really pathetic excuses of human beings. He couldn't take out his anger on this sweet, little girl who was going to spend her next three years of her life completely lost. "Hi, I'm Louis, love." he greeted her politely, backing out of her driveway.

"I'm a little lost, excuse me," she giggled a little, looking down and very uncomfortable.

"Don't be, it's going to work out," Louis lied as he started to follow the directions Jacob had given to him, taking a turn for straight out of town. This was going to be a long day and he could just feel the stress coming on. 

"I'm not sure, I thought this was going to be quite easy. It's the opposite, clearly," Eleanor sighed and the weary tone in her voice was highly noticeable. Louis felt his heart wrench for this young girl because she was so new, she had no idea what was in store for her and he didn't want her to be too surprised.

"It's going to get harder," he told her straight up, no point in hiding it all.

Eleanor looked quite afraid, her eyes widening. "What do you mean?"

"It's not easy, that's all I'm saying," Louis shrugged, holding one hand up in surrender and didn't take his eyes off the road. They should probably discuss this when Louis wasn't driving so he could explain calmly.

"I'm not catching on."

"I'll explain to you in the restaurant, don't worry."

"This is my dream, you know?"

Louis nodded. "It's everyone's dream."

"I was made for this, I love singing, always have."

"So have I."

"You don't understand-"

"Eleanor." Louis cut her off, sighing loudly. This wasn't going as planned, she was making it quite difficult when Louis was just trying to make her understand. Sure, maybe it wasn't wise to just drop it on her about how hard this life is, crush her dreams but he didn't mean any harm. He was doing it for her benefit. No one should have to go through the torture Louis has gone through, and still is apparently. It was just beginning for Eleanor, clearly. "We'll discuss this over our fake dinner date, okay?"

She grimaced but nodded anyway, looking out of the window. This wasn't going great so far and Louis wanted nothing more than to crawl back to the hole he had came out of from the first place, not wanting to talk to anyone. Why didn't he invite Zayn along to one of these dates? They didn't specify who Louis could bring or not.

When Louis finally parked up outside the restaurant, he could feel the flashes going off from the start and exhaled sharply. This was going to be start to a long day and he could feel the stress growing inside him from the start. He cut the engine, looking over to Eleanor who looked quite worried herself, not used to this environment clearly.

"They'll be around quite a long," he confirmed Eleanor's thoughts, knowing exactly what was going through her mind because this was him three odd years ago.

Eleanor sighed. "I don't like the flashes, their blinding me."

"Welcome to the life darling," Louis said sarcastically, smiling. "Wait, let me get you out of the car." It was one of the orders he was told to follow, to help Eleanor out of the car and lead her inside the restaurant - trying to act like he was concerned about the paparazzi and her privacy.

Louis rolled his eyes at the stupid steps he had to take, like he didn't even know how to be a gentlemen. He got out of the, trying to stop himself being swarmed by the cameras as he walked over to the other side and helped Eleanor out. Her face had signs of worry, intimidation written all over and Louis rubbed her shoulder to calm her down. Obviously, at this, the camera flashes went off even more and Louis tried to hide the disgust off his face.

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