Chapter 6 ~ Hybrid

Start from the beginning

So I stupidly went with the good old, "Father Lucy is pregnant with child"

He froze.

"R-Repeat again, please??"

"She's pregnant, I got a nurse to check her out" His faced scrunched up with disgusting horror.

"Natsu! What did I tell you about that angel!? Get rid of them both immediately!"

"Father no! I am in love with this girl dearly, and I don't feel the need to destroy something that we both created!" Wow, never thought I would admit that to anyone, let alone my own father.

"Natsu, do you not know what would happen, if our enemies hear word about this! Will become a laughing stock! An angel and a devil having a child, ugh disgusting." His voice laced with venom

"Let them laugh! At least I'll know the real affection from a family that I love and dearly care about. Lucy and I are keeping this child, end of discussion."


"Lucy is the angel you let me keep, she's also the mother of our child"

"Uh son, have I taught you nothing!? No angel or prisoner for that matter should be privileged of a name. And if you seem to wish to disobey me, then that angel shall be put to rest!"

"Father no! Please don't touch her!" My father dismissed my plea, as he went on and continued to call the soldiers back.

"Soldiers! Get in here this instant!" My father called impatiently. Seconds later, 3 armored men walked in.

"Yes my lord?"

"Get that angel 'Lucy', and chuck her into the prison!"

"Wait no!" I pleaded once again, but this time I had a plan. My it be considered stupid then well be it, but it was still a chance to save Lucy and our child.

"Why should I son?!" He fired back.

"W-Well as you know, this will be a hybrid of devil cross angel. The first one ever perhaps."

"So what! How would that benefit me from our laughing enemies?"

"Wait just a second now, as cruel as it may seem, this child could be an ultimate super weapon. With my strength and the heavenly power of the angels, the child could be all powerful by it 10th birthday, yes?" Did I get through to him?

My father pondered on this for a few minutes, before a nod came from him. "Ok, this child shall be raised for that purpose only, but after that the mother shall die. We don't need a weak Angel."

"Wait father! Please don't kill Lucy! She's done nothing wrong" I begged, pleaded, anything that could at least save her.

"You must truly care for this girl... You used to be a killing machine, but have now turned soft, just had I when I met your mother- may her soul rest in peace. The girl may stay alive until further notice, now leave before I regret my decision.

"Thank you father!" I cheered, oh thank the starry heavens. I ran out of the throne room happy and overjoyed, I was gonna be a father!

Yet sadly, upon entering my room there was silence. No noise, not even breathing.

"L-Lucy?" My heart started to hammer in my chest, where was she?!

I was deadly scared, until I found a cream coloured note on the bed.


"We have heard wind of this child, this is just far to dangerous for the devils or the world for that matter. We are planning to dispose of this child, and will not be returning Lucy either as her safety is of the most importance. "

Devil's Love (NaLu story) - WILL NOT BE COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now