Chapter ~

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For the situation Natsu was overly calm, to calm to be honest. He was still in shock from the near death experience of his daughter, and boy was he about to explode.

Nashi meanwhile, was confused by the adults. Her dad was looking down now, his bangs covering his eyes from the front, but from her angle she could see his wide eyes with shrunken pupils...It wasn't going to be good.

Gajeel was standing back with a shock expression, knowing he was in for it when Nashi let go but as he held pride for himself, he would try to endure what was to come.

"Gray, take Nashi from me, please." Gray jumped at the mention of his name, the tension in the air was thick between the two boys, and he knew that he would have to step in if matters got worse.

"S-Sure," He stuttered, making his way over to Natsu.

Nashi getting a somewhat of understanding, knew that if she let her dad go she might lose him again, and she didn't want that.

"Come here, Nashi" Gray called out as he went to grab her. Nashi grabbed onto her fathers arm, tight and hard.

"Dada no!" Even with her small words, at least she was trying to stop him. Natsu hadn't even moved, this was probably because if he did he would lose it before getting Nashi safely away.

"Nashi stop messing around!" Gray ordered while trying to tug the poor child from her father.
Eventually Gray tugged her off, much to her dismay. She then started crying and yelling in Gray's arms, he tried to hold her probably but due to her struggling and never holding a baby before, that proved to be difficult.

Once Nashi was out of his hold, that was it. He had full force charged towards Gajeel, grabbing him by the neck and raising him off the floor, before ramming into a wall. Meanwhile Natsu grew horns, sharper teeth and his muscles pulsed. He was half way from losing himself to Lucifer.

"N-Natsu!" Gray shouted, knowing that shortly Gajeel would be a gonner. His cries where heard upon fallen ears, as Natsu started his rampaged speech.

"You fool! You could've killed my child! I saw to hell if you had a child you would feel the same pain as I'm going through!" Gajeel, by now was holding the arm that was strangling him, praying that he could out of this alive. And that's when Gajeel saw. Those once Onyx coloured eyes, were now red and full of anger. Was this Lucifer or Natsu?

"L-Lucifer?!" Gajeel gurgled out. 'Natsu' returned this with a smirk, it was indeed Lucifer and Gajeel knew that from his actions and how they related to how he was at the wedding.

But why would he come out to protect Nashi?

Lucifer lifted Gajeel of the wall and threw him across the ground, just like he had did with Nashi weeks ago.

Gray couldn't move, how the hell was he meant to stop freaking Lucifer?! This was the point when Gray totally forgot about the small child in his grasp, but it was enough time for Nashi to jump from his grasp and run across the field.

"Shit, Nashi come back here!" Gray yelled, running after the small child.

"Dada!" She cried, running to Lucifer was had recently kicked Gajeels side on the ground.
Lucifer held no facial expression as Nashi ran across to him, but while he was asleep he had realised that Nashi was indeed his only heir to the rightful throne. So wanted or not he would keep her, despite her being half angel.

Devil's Love (NaLu story) - WILL NOT BE COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now