Unrequited Love

115 39 18

Nothing is a vast ocean of regret,
but my heart beats hard in my chest,
pain not butterflies.
Count the fallen seeds from the hurt,
and flowers from fantasy.
How can I love still?
Fear of the ocean comes in depth...
but why do I seem to dip into the nights waters?
Why do I rest in the sharp...
cold daggers of gathered tear drops into pool?
Why do I ache to be held like this by you?
More and more.
Harder, softer, longer.... Yes longer.
You hold me and I'm forced to let go.
Tell me why can't I be loved by my love?
Why do I only have this.... one day at a time.
Days to wait until maybe,
I am held again.
You love me, but not in the way...  -I love you.... Stay.

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