14. customer (cb)

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i never liked sunny weather. as a little girl, i would always stay indoors on those perfect hot july summer days. not because i had anything better to do, but i hated sunshine. it was too bright, and too hot. but when you're living in the jersey shore, you don't have those choices.

the summer that i turned 16, i took a job at a thrift store on the local boardwalk. for the longest time, i had always found something in that store that i needed, or in some cases, didn't know i needed. and i knew that that store would never let me down with a new surprise.

but one morning, the usual surprise was different. it wasn't anything already in the store, or anything that could be bought. it was a customer. and this customer would go on to change my entire world in the most unexpected ways.

but first, let's meet my surprise.

do you ever get that feeling that something special is about to happen? you wake up one morning and you have a feeling that something important is going to occur to you. well, i didn't. and for all i know, that feeling doesn't exist. but i do know that happiness comes when you least expect it. and it came that morning.

as i opened up the shop and cleaned a few things, my first customer came in. a boy. now this boy was unlike any other boy i'd ever seen. there was just something about him. i still can't quite put my finger on it, but that something instantly made me just look at him. i couldn't take my eyes off of him. i'd never seen anyone like him.

now, as I'm writing this, i think i do remember what the something was. how could i have not noticed it before? this boy had the brightest smile my eyes had ever seen. it changed my fragile heart in an instant. if his smile was the sun, i wanted to always be near it. his eyes buzzed around the room, as if it was a crime scene. he saw the detail in everything, like every part of life was beautiful to him.

i swear i'm not a hopeless romantic, but i couldn't help myself.

"good morning, i was wondering if you have any jewelry cases? my sister wanted me to come in here and ask, so i wanted to come early and surprise her," he said, smiling almost in humor. the way he spoke so intelligently was like a person who had studied the world around him but still wanted more in the stars. fascinating.

"yes, i have some over here," i said gesturing to a table to the right of me, "they're made out of various materials like porcelain and mother-of-pearl." the boy picked up a white porcelain one with a gold leaf design across the lid, examining it, his eyes wide and inquisitive. "if you need any more help, i'll be at my desk," i finished with a smile.

"wait!" he turned his head towards me, searching for words. "um, what's your name?"  "y/n," i say simply, both of our smiles unbroken. "y/n, i was wondering if you'd help me pick out one? i don't really know what she'd like." i step towards him slowly, saying, "well, that one you're holding's pretty nice. i'd say it's a good all-rounder. he nods his head before adding, "you know, i think you're right. i think she'll like it, don't you?" i smile, shaking my head up and down a bit too hard.

as i rang the jewelry box up at the cash register, the boy interjected, saying, "thank you so much for helping me, y/n." "no problem," i say, looking into his eyes. i'm transfixed by how big and bright they are. they stare back into mine, and i can't help but wonder if he feels the same way i do. as i watch him wave goodbye and head out the door, i sigh in dismay.

i'll never see him again, will i?

"oh! i totally forgot!" he says, sticking his head back into the store comically.

i guess i will see him again after all, only 5 seconds after he's left.

"i'm corbyn, by the way!" he says brightly. "gosh, i should have told her that earlier..." i hear him whisper to himself.

i chuckle, saying softly, "maybe i'll see you around, corbyn."

"yeah, i hope so!" he says, before retreating out of the door. i can still hear him muttering about things he said and words he didn't say, but i'm happy with how we met.

somehow, i think i will be seeing him again.

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