12. confetti (zh)

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"leaving so soon?"

i turned around to face zach herron, with a red plastic cup in his hand and a devilish glare in his steaming eyes.

oh boy.

my new year's resolution was to stay away from him, in all honesty. there was nothing too terribly wrong with zach, other than him being too good of a flirt. but he was my weakness, my distraction, and the boy i was madly attracted to.

he's a waste of time. i try to ignore his dreamy gaze, but i can't.

i can't resist him.

"oh, no, actually, i was just getting some fresh air," i said, as i moved to the balcony of the new york apartment we were in. it had a crystal clear view of times square and the ball about to drop at midnight.

"there's something beautiful about the night sky, isn't there?" zach says, moving next to me as we look over the crowds of people on times square.

"i guess so," i say, looking into the abyss of the stars above us. i can tell zach's looking at me, but i stay still. my unsure heart's melting every second i get closer to him.

by midnight, my heart will nearly be jello.

he takes my hand, as i look into his eyes. we move closer, and as i hear the people inside counting down, i look deep into his caramel stone eyes. every doubt in my mind vanished for the moment, and all i can focus on is zach.


our lips touch simultaneously as our ears are flooded with ravaging cheers of the new york night. confetti rains down on us, and i feel the paper slips sticking in my hair like a neon halo.

with his arms around me, feeling his smile on my lips, i'm almost certain i've never been more attracted to a person.

we pull apart to look at the cheering people of the city below us. confetti sticks every way out of his hair, and it slowly blows out of his hair as he tilts his head back to cheer for the new year.

"happy new year, zach," i say, his arms still around me, laughing to his yelling cheers.

his sharp eyes move from the crowd to my porcelain face, and his lips part to reveal a sly smile perfect for the new year.

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