Chapter Twenty-nine ~ You'll be okay

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Everything had moved very fast after that, but it seemed they'd finally found a spot. Somewhere safe.

It was in a lightly forested area nestled in between the forest and lake, largely unscathed. Water was taken from the lake, and it seemed a drought had passed and now it rained, even snowed too. People found a way to live again.

Some hadn't been saved, the Zoras, and all the Kokiris had long fled Hyrule altogether, the forest unable to sustain their lives anymore, wild and with a mind of its own, overgrown. Large vines could be seen from the entrance, gone crazy somehow, suffocating the trapped forest children, leaving no choice but escape into the deeper reaches of the forest. Zelda knew they'd never be seen again.

But others had been saved, the Gerudo Desert had turned into an inhabitable land as well, the sand turned to quicksand like substance, swallowing up Gerudos and their buildings. But not everyone had died, a small group had been saved. They'd joined the others, the situation alleviating the tension between the races. They were all in it together now, there were barely any people left, no sense in turning on each other. There was no reason to, there had been enough death, that was understood by all. The Gerudos were accepted into this new life and they were just a cooperative as the Hylians and Gorons, like their strange behavior had never occurred.

It didn't matter, Zelda was just glad not everyone had died. Some had held on, they weren't going that easily. The survivors.

People found a way to survive, grass growing through a crack in the cobblestone path, finding a way to keep living. Adapting.

With the arrival of rain, the people collected rainwater to help keep the water supply sufficient, although there were still plenty trips to the lake, also blood, to purify that to water. Some had begun to help her as well, attempting to take on the magic. Zelda taught them, watched as they did it themselves. That made her happy, something she hadn't been in a long time.

Only one stayed at the lake full time, the lake scientist. Said he'd study the phenomenon. That he'd be okay out there alone. Zelda liked to go as talk to him occasionally, whenever she went to the lake. Despite his oddities, he was very nice, and she always learned something interesting about the lake and Hyrule as a whole.

As time went on, and a small village formed, Zelda began to feel hope. Despite all odds, things were looking up. She knew Hyrule would never be the same again, never reach the grandeur the land had once held, but that was okay.


She liked to take walks at night, clear her head after a busy day and prepare for another.

It was cold, winter had come in strong, the first snowfall of the year blanketed the land, crunchy under her feet. The at was clear and fresh, stringing Zelda's cheeks and nose. That was why she'd liked the cold, distract from the pain. But now... she felt better. Better than she'd felt in a long time.

The sky had cleared of smoke, a deep blue sky sprinkled with stars, small pinpoints of light across the night sky.

Maybe she had done it after all, healed.

Matured too.

She had reached something, that back then, had been unattainable. Peace of mind. The rampant sea of her mind has quieted, a serene body of clear, calm water, the waves lapping at her consciousness, but not tugging her back into the tumultuous waves.

It had to have come with her new role to the people, keeping busy had distracted her from everything else. And that was a good thing. At the castle, with nothing to do, she'd let herself get lost within her grief, swallowed up by the sorrow. This destruction and the aftermath had forced her to stop that, she'd had to drag herself out.

It was almost strange to think back, it hadn't even been that long ago... and yet it felt like years. Had she been that long gone?

She stopped by a tree, leaning against the trunk, staring out at the world, awash in white and silver under a crescent moon.

The world's mysteries were still at her fingertips, ready to be solved. But deep down, Zelda knew she had to leave them at that, mysteries. She didn't know everything, but she knew enough to keep everyone alive. Zelda knew that hadn't been Link, that her time travel had been the reason the land had been broken, things like that.

Guilt still remained, towards those dead and those alive, it had been her fault. She'd never forgive herself. It had crept into her and had grown inside her, another punishment. And she deserved it. She'd live with her tree of guilt.

It's late, I should head back.

Zelda pushes off from the tree trunk, walking back to the small village, with small wooden houses, roofs covered with snow. Her house was slightly outset from the others, a small porch in from of the door.

Zelda let herself in quietly, not wanting to wake her son, who was already asleep.

She'd make it up to him too, she'd do anything in fact. He had it harder than her, she felt. Forced to mature beyond his years in this world that didn't seem to have a place for anyone anymore. He really was like Link.

Ashton was learning magic too, excelling at it. Exhausted too, like her.

Zelda prepared for bed in the dark, a small smile settled on her face.

Before she went to sleep, Zelda made a detour to the porch, sitting with her legs pulled up to her chest, arms rested on top of her knees. She still had the smile, a genuine one. Her eyes lined with tears.

Zelda still missed Link everyday, how could she not? But that wasn't going to end her, she'd find a way to continue, let him live through her actions, be strong like he'd been.

She let herself shed a few tears, let them freeze on her cheeks in the frigid air. It was okay. It was going to be okay.

Everyday would continue to get better, even after she'd passed on. The people were united as one, they all wanted to survive.

It would be okay. She believed that now. Somehow it would be, she was stronger now, she had hope.

A memory resurfaced and she heard his voice in her head,

"You'd be okay, in the end."

She smiled sadly. He was right.

She would be okay, in the end.


It's over.

Ahhh what?

(Sorry for the spam ahh sheesh sorry I suck!)

Also I'm sorry the ending sucked...

I'm gonna post the BTS and other extra goodies I made.

This was a crazy ride... I didn't think I'd finish.

Thank you. So much.

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