Imagine| Ocean for a Heart

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You couldn't exactly go to class without attention. Was it Warren- the school heartthrob and mysterious boy who insisted of walking you to all your classes. Or your mutations abilities that people loved or feared about you. Or that you were popular but not in the way the pretty, smart girls who were perfect are.

You were pretty. As lots would say, you looked like a sea goddess - hair that looked as if the wind blew it magnificently when there was no wind. Dark brown hair in light beach waves with aquamarine and royal blue highlights that mirrored your eye colour. Your light mocha complexion that constantly glowed as if you were at the beach every day which you often were.
This gained a lot of boys attention which caused your friends to get jealous and hence the rumours began: that you put them all under a spell.

That not how it works at all.

So you kept your distance at the back of the class you held your self high and refused to hunch over and keep your head down. Professor Kaer voice droned on and on like a whitenoise machine, and you found your mind drifting away staring longing out of the window to the lake the glimmered under the sunlight.

The bell went, and you found yourself alone. Warren and his friends were at training but training to become an xmen isn't permitted until the last two year. You missed the chance this year, but next year Warren was determined to have you on the team.

You found yourself at a crossroad. You were rolling on the balls of your feet to your toes with new energy and it is times like these Peter, and you would prank other students. Once the pair of you put fake barf all over McCoy's lab and put a bell on the professor wheelchair. Once even you managed to dye Warrens wing neon pink, and he refused to talk to you for a month- that resolution lasted a day.
Now you had no speedster to aid you, so you went out to the lake.

You sat on the bank your bare feet in the cold crystal clear water you hummed lightly to yourself which made a nearby by bumblebee so drowsy it fell off its daffodil onto the grass. The water droplet weaved in and out of the gaps between your fingers chasing each other in and out and around your hand.

You felt two warm hands cover your eyes and your singing abruptly stopped.
"Maximoff" you laughed prying the hands from your eyes. A mop of silver hair hovered above your eyes as Peter bent his face over your head his nose inches from your forehead
"Anna, " he said singing in the way he always greeted you.

Peter was acting off. You were well aware of him favouring his left leg instead of his dominant right, and you were in the know of his pained expression when he sat down next to you.
You glanced blatantly down at his leg and raised an eyebrow.
Peter shrugged, "tougher training we had. Plus Jean got hit worse she's in the med bay."
You stayed silent indifferent to this information
it had no use to you

Your blue eyes meet Peters, and you noticed how truly chocolate like his eyes resembled, and you caught his gaze in a battle of do not blink.
You hummed under your breath and as soon as the barely audible harmony echoed Peter looked away.
"No fair Anna" he said with dismay

You glanced down at Peter and turned your shoulder to him focusing on the cool cerulean blue liquid feeling utterly out of place a feeling which couldn't be described other than monachopsis.

You stood and turned to look at Peter. You flipped your voluminous hair behind you and waggled your eyebrows at him. Peter grinned, and you could hardly tell he was in pain, "come along Maximoff you can walk me to history " you raised your hand, so it rested on Peters temple you shrugged at his befuddled expression.
"Anna gives it back" he lunged grabbing at the air where you held his goggles.
"I think I'll wear them," you said calmly: Peter was just as protective of his goggles as Warren was of his jacket.

Warren Worthington iii x reader imagines and preferencesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat