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Petra's POV

He hugged me and it felt weird.

It was weird because I felt warmth radiating off his body and it felt nice. He was like a warm blanket wrapped around me. I tried so hard to ignore those butterflies in my stomach, but it just made me smile slightly.

His chest was really warm and I couldn't help but snuggle myself underneath him. His arms were wrapped around my waist and I found myself hugging him back for some odd reason.

I don't understand why I'm feeling something.

Is this normal?

Suddenly, I heard my door knock a couple of times.

" Petra. " , my brother taunted me.

I panicked at the sound of my brother's voice outside of the door. The possibilities of Scott surviving my brother's presence is zero.

" Is that Peter Pan? " , Scott whispered to me.

I shoved him off me and pushed the werewolf into my bathroom. He growled lowly at my harsh grip.

" Sorry love, but I need you to be quiet. " , I whispered.

" Quiet? For what? Why can't I meet him? " , Scott huffed.

" Believe me, you don't want to meet him. " , I said.

" Little sister, little sister, let me in. " , Peter said sternly.

Scott frowned before slowly nodding. I quickly shut the door and locked it before shaking off my nerves.

Calm down, Petra.

It's okay to hide a boy in your bathroom from your brother. I'm sure I'm not the only girl who does this.

I opened my door to greet an annoyed teenage boy that I call my brother.

" Are you dying? " , I asked.

" No. " , Peter snorted.

" Are you bleeding? Hurt? " , I raised my eyebrow.

" Nope. " , Peter shook his head.

" Did you do something to Devin? " , I gasped.

" Not yet. " , he muttered under his breath.

" Then why are you here? " , I asked in a bored tone.

" Because you owe me an explanation. " , Peter taunted me before barging into my bedroom.

" I don't owe you nothing, twerp. " , I grumbled before shutting my door.

Peter examined my room and went through my stuff before finding everything in its place. He sat on my bed with a playfully grin on his face.

" So, you never told me who was in Neverland yesterday. " , he spoke lowly.

" It was nothing. " , I waved it off.

" Nothing? I felt something. The island knows who the newcomer is. " , he reminded me.

" Peter, I have taken care of it. " , I assured him.

" Then why are you avoiding me and the boys? " , he raised his eyebrow.

" I'm not avoiding you guys. I just need a break. " , I huffed. " Fighting those dread doctors wasn't easy. "

" So, you aren't hiding anything from me? ", he questioned me.

" Why would I? " , I sighed.

" I don't know. You are just being paranoid about every little thing lately. " , he narrowed his eyes at me.

" I'm fine, Peter. " , I assured him.

He slowly nodded before getting up and approaching me with a concerned look.

" I just wanted to check up on you. " , he said softly before ruffling my hair.

I slowly nodded before smiling weakly at him.

My brother kissed my forehead before leaving my bedroom. I watched him leave before I quickly closed the door. I leaned my back against the door and sighed in relief.

" You lied to him. " , Scott said.

I looked up to see the werewolf leaning against the wall. I titled my head in confusion.

" Claws. Pretty useful when it comes to picking locks. " , he shortly explained.

I rolled my eyes before deciding to gather some stuff.

" I know I lied to him. " , I gritted my teeth.

" But I'm sure he will understand. " , the werewolf shrugged.

" Understand? " , I spoke before laughing. " My brother doesn't tolerate liars. "

I turned towards the werewolf and grabbed his collar before feeling my eyes glow dark green for a bit.

" This is your bloody fault that I had to lie to my brother because I had to save your life. If my brother finds out that I lied to him, then he will punish me. He will either kill you or torture you if he knows you are here! " , I exclaimed.

" He wouldn't do that. " , he scoffed.

I snorted before pulling away from the werewolf and quickly gathering some important stuff from my drawers and stuffing them into my pouch.

" You need to leave. " , I stated.

" But you said nobody leaves Neverland. " , Scott reminded me.

" I know a way out. " , I replied.

" But I don't want to leave. " , he spoke in a sad tone.

" You have to if you want to live. " , I sighed.

I finished packing my pouch and placed my dagger on my belt before looking at Scott.

" Listen love, this is for your own safety. I can't let Peter hurt you because of your stupid decision. I need you to work with me so I can help you go back home. " , I whispered.

Scott sighed before nodding in agreement. I held his hand and teleported us into the dark forest. Once we appeared in the dark forest, Scott blinked a few times and I lightly chuckled.

" You will get use to magic. " , I smiled faintly.

Scott held my hand and followed me through the dark forest. He remained quiet behind me, but I didn't mind. My thoughts were clouded with concerns and worries mixed in with these feelings that I have.

My cheeks blushed with our hands intertwined. I have never held hands with a boy before, so I was trying to stay calm around him.

Unexpectedly, Scott stopped in his tracks and started sniffling. His ears perked up when he grabbed my waist and held me close to him before an arrow came out of nowhere and hit the tree instead of me.

" Spread out boys! " , I heard Felix holler.

Fear overwhelmed me.

" SCOTT! RUN! " , I yelled at him.

Scott nodded before he ran with super speed, but what I didn't expect was for him to carry me while he ran.

Good news is that I don't mind being carried because he is warm and cozy. Bad news is that the lost boys are after us.

A/N: Cliffhanger :)

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Petra Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora