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Peter's POV

I continued to hold my little sister and comfort her the best I could. I wrapped my arms around her gently and pulled her into my chest. The sounds of her sniffling and heavy breathing filled me up with guilt. I stayed slient and allowed her to spill out her emotions making my shirt wet from her many tears. But I didn't care about my shirt, I only cared about my sister.

It broke my heart to see Petra fall apart in front of the lost boys. I should have known better than to push her buttons because I should have known how emotional females can be. Petra was usually a bubbly person, so it was different to see her cry.

All of the lost boys bombarded me with questions and concerns when my sister left. Even Devin tried to go after her, but I told him to stay behind because I knew that I was the one that had to go after Petra.

She is my little sister after all.

" Peter. " , a soft whisper spoke.

I looked down to see my sister with her arms wrapped around me tightly and her head leaning against my chest. Her green eyes were now puffy and red with tear stains on her cheeks. She hiccuped a few times before taking a deep breath and letting it out.

" I'm here, love. " , I whispered softly before stroking her hair.

" I'm sorry. " , she croaked out with more tears spilling down her cheeks. " I'm sorry for displaying weakness and rambling. "

A sigh escaped from my lips as I gently wiped away my sister's wet cheeks with my thumb and held her close to me. I rocked back and forth while rubbing her back gently.

" It's okay. " , I replied softly. " I just want you to understand a few things. First of all, everyone knows that you are a female. Secondly, these lost boys need to be trained so they are able to defend themselves when we are not around. Finally, don't stop a fight between two lost boys because you could have gotten hurt. "

" Peter, I want you to  understand a few things as well. ", Petra mocked me. " First of all, you don't understand how hard it is to be the ONLY female because you can't relate. Secondly, Tootles is too young to be fighting an older lost boy. Finally, I stopped that fight because the older lost boy was going to hurt Tootles. "

I sighed before shaking my head at my sister.

" Petra, you-", I begun

" No. You, Peter Pan, need to understand that Tootles could have gotten hurt because he was up against an older lost boy. I defended Tootles because I care about the little boy. ", she agrued before poking my chest and looking at me with her stern green eyes.

" And what if Hook or an enemy comes upon Tootles and you aren't there? ", I questioned her

" Then Tootles will yell for help and I will quickly respond. ", she snorted

" The boy needs to defend himself, Petra. It is better for him to go against an older lost boy so he has a vision of what he will have to face. ", I explained.

" And what if Tootles can't defend himself? ", my sister scoffed

" Everybody is replaceable. ", I shrugged

Then my head was forcefully turned towards my sister and I was met with dark green eyes. She had unwrapped her arms from me and had her hands firmly on my shoulder. I raised my eyebrow at her before she slapped my head.

" Ow! ", I exclaimed painfully before placing my hands on my head.

Then she kicked me in the most painful area for males.

" Petra! ", I squealed in pain before holding my legs together.

" Oh, I'm sorry. Did that hurt? ", her voice dripped in sarcasm

" That was cruel! ", I scoffed before groaning in pain.

" No, thinking that every lost boy is replaceable is cruel! ", she huffed

" But it's true. ", I grumbled.

Then I was grabbed by the collar and my eyes widned seeing Petra's eyes becoming stormy. It concerned me because my sister rarely became as scary as me. We may be silibings, but our personalities were different.

" If I ever and I EVER find out that you would dare replace any of those lost boy for any pointless reason, whether it's because they are too weak to fight or because they aren't up to your level, then you will have to face me. ", she spoke darkly.

" Was that a threat? ", I raised my eyebrow.

She gave me a smile and patted my head.

" Nah. I was just messing with you. ", she chuckled

" Haha so funny. ", I lightly chuckled.

Then I was slapped again on my head.

" What was that for? " , I groaned

" You can be an idiot sometimes. ", she rolled her eyes.

" How? ", I asked

" Because I was being sarcastic. ", she said bluntly.

" Oh. So it was a threat? ", I raised my eyebrow.

" Yes. ", she replied darkly with crossed arms.

I slowly nodded my head before slightly groaning in pain as I took a couple of deep breaths before stretching out my legs. Then I stood up to my full height with Petra copying my same movement as she rose to her feet.

" You must really care about those boys. " , I stated.

" Unlike you, yes. " , she replied.

" Ouch. " , I said. " Here I am to comfort you and now I'm the one getting hurt. "

My sister just stood there. Her emerald eyes just stared at me before she blinked like something clicked inside of her. She frowned before rubbing the back of her neck.

" I guess I can be a jerk too. " , she mumbled.

" Yeah. I taught you well. " , I lightly chuckled before nudging her shoulder.

My sister cracked a smile before shaking her head at me. I hugged her gently and kissed her forehead. She returned my hug and sighed.

" Sorry for hurting you. " , she whispered.

" It's fine. I probably deserved it anyway. " , I shrugged. " I know I'm not the best at comforting, but- "

" But you are the best at being a brother. " , she smiled at me.

I returned the smile and felt my heart slightly warm up a bit before motioning her to walk with me back to the training ground.

A/N: Do you think Petra and Peter have a good silbing relationship?

⭐️ VOTE!



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