Chapter 2: Hot or Cold

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~~Christina's POV~~

The rest of the walk was silent between Lo and I. The rest of the girls were rambling on about random stuff but I could also tell Lisa was worried too. We finally arrive at the beach and everyone was about to run into the water but I stopped them.

"Wait." "Kath your in charge for a little while, Lisa and I are gonna go to the bathroom." Lisa looks at me in confusion but I nod my head towards Lauren then she figures it out.

"Chris." Kathrine calls.

"What's up." I say. She takes me a little away from where all are stuff is.

"Is Lauren ok, she's in jeans and a long sleeve?" Kath ask me. I sigh.

"She said that she's cold but I don't believe her it's almost 100 degrees out here. She won't tell us anything. I said as Kathrine looks back toward Dani and Amy.

"Just keep an eye on everyone especially Lauren I don't want her to over heat." I said as I start walking with Lisa to the bathroom area. Kathrine sighs.

"Don't worry." I yell back at Kath.

~~Lisa's POV~~

Christina and I start walking to the bathroom area when she just sits down at a table.

"I'm worried Lise, she never does this." Christina says.

"Does what?" I ask

"She always tells us about her problems and never shuts us out." Christina says which I know she's right.

"I know Chris maybe we can ask her about it tonight." "Let's go back to the others." I said as Christina gets up.

~~Kathrine's POV~~

Dani, Amy, and I are playing in the water having fun. I'm just really worried about Lauren I feel like she's gonna have a heat stroke or something. I look at her and see her laying on one of the towels I can't tell if she's awake or just laying there. I get out of the water to check on her.

"Where you going Kath?" Amy asks me.

"Yeah stay here with us." Dani begs. Jeez I'm only going to check on Lauren they don't need to act like the world is ending because I'm leaving the water.

"Guys I'll be back I'm gonna check on Lo to see how she's feeling don't worry if you need me I'll be up there." I say as I point at our spot on the beach.

I get over to Lauren and see she laying down and her face is really hot and sweaty.

"Lo your burning up." I say to her.

"It's ok I'm fine." She mumbles

"No your not Lolo what's wrong with you." I ask her not really giving her a choice to tell me.

"Kath for real I'm not hot that's all I'm really cold actually." Lauren says as she starts to cry.

I hold Lauren in my arms trying to calm her whispering sweet things in her ear. After awhile she calms down.

"Lauren take your shirt off now." Lauren looks at me with a confused look on her face. I can feel her skin burning mine.

Just do it, I don't want you to over heat I'll wrap this towel around you so your not shirtless but just take it off so you don't get sick." I blurt out.

"N-n-no Kathrine I don't want to I'm cold." Lauren said as she looks at me with a worried expression on her face. She then looks at me and her eyes grow. She gets up and runs towards the bathrooms. I then see Lisa and Christina stop as Lauren runs past them.

~~Dani and Amy's POV~~

Kathrine gets out of the water as we're both sad but decided to play anyways.

"Hey Amy." Dani says to me. She splashes me with a lot of water.

"Danielle"I yell at Dani.

"What." I yell at Amy Laughing.

We both start laughing but stop when we see Lauren run to the bathroom holding her stomach and her mouth.

~~Lauren's POV~~

I was laying down in the towel because I was dying from being so hot but I just can't let anyone see my scars. Kathrine walks up to me and I can instantly tell she knows I'm not cold.

"Lo your burning up." Kathrine says to me. I just tell her I'm fine and that I'm actually really cold. She doesn't believe me and starts talking some more. I just couldn't take it anymore I burst into tears and lay in Kath's arm as she whispers sweet nothings in my ears.

"Take your shirt off Lo so you don't get sick Ill wrap a towel around you so you don't feel naked." Kathrine says. I start to panic a little.

I then start to speak but I stutter a lot. I tell her that I'm cold. As soon as I said that a huge wave of heat hits me and I start to feel sick. I take off running toward the bathroom and run pass Lisa and Christina. I get to the bathroom and start to throw up but nothing comes out I'm just dry heaving (retching). I then feel hands on my back and turn to see Christina rubbing my back. I continue to dry heave as Lise walks in with some water I drink it but throw it up. After a few minutes of me heaving. I turn and crash into Christina's arm crying.

C-c-can we go home n-now Chrissy?" I ask her still dry heaving.

"Yeah babygirl." She said as she lifts me up like a baby. I rest my head on her shoulders and everything went black.

~~Christina's POV~~

Lisa and I instantly run back toward the bathrooms where Lauren just ran but I stop Lisa.

"Go get Kathrine and tell her to get everyone and to go get the car and get some water for Lauren."

"Ok." She replies running to Kath ."

I run into the bathroom and see Lauren dry heaving. Poor Lo Dry heaving is worse than puking because it burns your throat and nothing comes out. I kneel down next to her and rub her back. Lisa then walks in with some water. Lauren takes it and drinks it down but throws it up before she even swallows it. She turns to me and starts crying.

" C-c-can we go home n-now Chrissy?" Lauren ask crying and still heaving I don't know how she can handle this.

"Yeah babygirl." Is all I say to her before I pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulders and is out like a light. We wait for Kath to get the car and pick us up. Kath drives home as I sit in the back with Lauren still laying on me. I find an extra shirt in the car that's a long sleeve but it's not as sweaty as Lauren's so I take her shirt off and begin putting the new shirt on her when I see her wrist.

"Huh." I let a huge gasp out.

"What's the matter Chris everyone looks at me."

"Nothing her skin is just so hot and I don't know how she didn't pass out." I lie because I need to have a talk with her without anyone else worrying. I now know why she didn't wear different clothes. It breaks my heart seeing her so scared and distant from us and the scars.

Hope your liking the story so far.

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