Chapter 1: Worried

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~~Lisa's POV~~

I'm laying on my bed scrolling through Twitter, when Dani walks in.

"Wanna go to the beach with us?" Dani said

"Sure rat." I say Dani sticking her tongue out at me but stops and looks around.

"What's wrong Dan?" I ask with a worried tone.

"Nothing I thought Lauren was in here tho." Dani asks I shake my head "Do you know where she is?" Dani Continues.

"Lo." I call out. "What do want Lise." Lauren said in a stuttering tone which worried me. I was about to ask her if she was alright when Dani screams.

"LAUREN wanna go to the beach with the rest of us?"

"Ok." Is all Lauren said shes really starting to worry me I'll ask her about it later.

Before anyone started to talk again I hear a voice " You rats get down here now or we're leaving you home." It was definitely Christina.

~~Lauren's POV~~

Im in the bathroom thinking about how everything in my life is so wrong, and how I have no friends because I'm scared to talk to people or be in crowds. I grab the blade off of the shelf and put it on my arm releasing everything from my mind as I watch the blood flow down my wrist. I quickly clean up and put a band aid on it and pull down my sleeve. I then hear someone say my name. I'm walking out of the bathroom and enter my room realizing it was Lisa.

"What do you want Lise?" I said stuttering a little crap I hope she didn't realize. She was about to say something but then Dani scream

"LAUREN you wanna go to the beach with us?" Dani said Lisa Is still looking at me with a worried expression on her face.

"Ok." Is all I say to Dani which I knew instantly I should've said more so Lise would stop staring at me. We all just stand in a circle for a while until we here somebody talk.

"You rats get down here before I leave you home." Chris says.

Dani runs downstairs I started to walk down when Lisa grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Yo ok Ladybug." Lisa asked. I nodded and stared to walk out again but Lisa grabbed my wrist and I yelped in pain.

"I'm sorry!" Lisa says and I look at her.

" It's fine, I'm fine really you don't need to worry about me." I say.

"Lo I do need to worry I'm your older sister." "Besides I was asking you if you're going to change because your in a long sleeve and jeans." Crap I can't let anyone see my wrist.

"Earth to Lauren." Lisa says knocking me out of my thoughts.

" What." I tense up ok she definitely noticed that.

"What is taking you guys so long." Christina says walking In our room. Great what I need two sister worrying about me.

"Lauren change your clothes, you don't need to go in the water if you don't want but you need to change in shorts and a short sleeve it's 95 degrees out kid." Christina says I look down.

"Lolo you ok." Christina says as she's lifting my head up. I'm panicking I don't want to change anything they can't find out.

"Ugh y-yeah I'm just really cold Chris." I say. I know it's not that convincing as I'm on the verge of tears.

"Lise go down stairs and start walking to the beach with the others Lauren and I will meet you guy there." Christina says.

"No guys we can go now I'm fine I promise I'm really cold so can we just leave without asking me questions!" I say kinda loud. Everyone runs up the stairs.

"Everything good up here?" Amy asks.

"Yeah." I mumble.

I guess that was a good enough answer because everyone starts walking out the door along with me. Christina and Lisa walk behind me.

~~Christina's POV ~~

Were all walking to the beach but I'm just worried about Lauren. I know she's not cold because it's almost 100 degrees outside but she's not really saying anything about it so idk. I look back and see Lauren a little behind all our sisters so I stop as everyone walks by me. I start walking next to Lauren she's just looking down and dragging her feet it breaks my heart seeing my 16 year old sister like this.

"I love you so much Laur I whisper in her ear as were walking." She's still looking down

"Love you too Chrissy." She says back .

Thanks for reading. I hope your enjoying it even tho it's the first chapter because I have so much more planned for this story. Everyone is a lot younger than they actually are in real life.

Christina 24
Kathrine 22
Lisa 21
Amy 19
Lauren 16
Dani 14

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