Chapter 8

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I was staring blankly at the ceiling of my room. Yes. My room. I came back here as it was too much for me to stay in his room. How can it came down to this mess? Just the other day I had the best time of my life and now it had turned upside down in a blink of an eye.

I pulled out my gift; a pair of tickets from my small notebook. My gift. Furious; I tore the tickets and crumpled it before throwing it away. I was so elated to spend my weekend with P'Arthit only to get crushed with the news of him leaving for China on the same day we were supposed to go to the concert. And just when I managed to coax myself about it, he burbled about a subject that I had forgotten about. The word 'her' came as a bombshell.

A break.


A space he said.


I snickered bitterly to myself; sat crouching by the window with my eyes bloodshot, tears welled up in the two pool of my eyes and the snot running down my face. It was tiring. I had cried so much that I had no energy left to get up and walked to my bed. The sound of an aeroplane passing through the sky made me looked up.

Have you safely arrived there, P'Arthit?

I murmured to the thin air before my heavy eyelids started to close on its own.


Monday came and now I understood the meaning of Monday blues. How reluctant most people to face this day. How sour his face whenever it's Monday.



Shaking my head, I grabbed my bike keys and bag before heading downstairs and went to my class. The road as busy as ever but I made it in time. As I parked the bike, a few students passed me, riding their bicycles. A memory of me riding P'Arthit's bicycle flashed in my mind.


I had to traipse three floors to attend the lectures. I saw my friends gathered near my seat; probably discussing about games or the assignments that they had yet to finish.

"Hey Kong! What's with the long face?" Aim pat not-so-gently on my back.

"Right! Is this how a person who spent his day with two of his favourite persons should look like? Shouldn't you look more dazzling instead of being gloom like this?" Oak shoot me with questions.

I just smiled bitterly, making them turned to look at each other —trying to read my mood.

"Hey... Kongpob. Are you okay?" Tew's query was answered with a small nod.

"I'm okay. Just a bit tired,"

"Ohooo~ did you have it rough with P'Arthit yesterday?" a hand smacked at the back of Oak's head. "What the hell is that for, Maprang?!"

He rubbed the sore spot, earning a few chuckles from our friends. A few students hastily came in which can only means the lecturer was nearby and true enough, an elegant lady with a strict face came in not long after that. I tried his best to focus in class. I had promised to make them proud; his family, friends and...

I shook my head as I tried to bring back my focus from wandering to a certain someone.


"P'Arthit khrap... the days and nights that we spent together... how can you do all that if you've been hurting all this time?"

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