Mentoring young girls

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I was contacted by a young girl who used to babysit for my children, before she moved to a different country that is. She has been struggling with depression. Big time. To the point where she tried to take her life. And now she's living with the guilt (self imposed) and anger (self imposed) and sadness (self imposed) she created. She reached out to me on Instagram. Asking me how I stay so positive all the time. Asking me what's the lowest I've ever felt.

I was so incredibly honored to be asked these questions. I was so incredibly honored to hold space for her, let her talk, see if she could understand her emotions a bit more by letting it all out.

I think this is one reason why I struggle: to be a lighthouse for others. Specifically young over achievers. I'm a safe place for them. I'm so grateful that I am that safe place. That I can be that safe place.

How else can I be a safe place for someone who needs it? Do I need to be more vulnerable more of the time?

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