Chapter 42- Masquerade

Start from the beginning

Masquerade! Paper faces on parade
Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you
Masquerade! Every face a different shade
Masquerade! Look around, there's another mask behind you
Flash of mauve, splash of puce
Fool and king, ghoul and goose
Green and black, queen and priest
Trace of rouge, face of beast, faces
Take your turn, take a ride
On the merry-go-round in an inhuman race
Eye of gold, true is false
Who is who?
Curl of lip, swirl of gown
Ace of hearts, face of clown, faces
Drink it in, drink it up till you've drowned
In the light, in the sound but who can name the face?
Masquerade! Grinning yellows, spinning reds
Masquerade! Take your fill, let the spectacle astound you
Masquerade! Burning glances, turning heads
Masquerade! Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you
Masquerade! Seething shadows breathing lies
Masquerade! You can fool any friend who ever knew you
Masquerade! Leering satyrs, peering eyes
Masquerade! Run and hide, but a face will still pursue you

People filled the room with their laughter and dancing. They talked amongst each other about what they did that year and what they plan to do once the new year arrives. All was abuzz.

Y/n stood at the foot of the staircase whilst she watched jungkook and taeyeon in their tiny lesson of ballroom dancing. Who was teaching who? Who knows. It seemed the two were plainly goofing off, ignoring the judgmental looks of the creme de la creme.

Taehyung approached her. She didn't even make an effort to look at him. She didn't mean to come off as rude, but if she even dared to look at him, she'd change her mind once again.

"Aren't you going to dance?"he asked her.

"My dancing partner seems occupied." She replied.

"Jungkook or taeyeon?"


He turned to her and let out a breath."did you really mean what you said back there?"

"What do you mean?"

"In your room." He said with saddened eyes " there's absolutely no way I can change your mind?"

"It's hard taehyung." She whispered. " I want to. Believe me I do. But I can't."

"I see." He murmured." Excuse me then. I must change for the speech."

Y/n didn't say a single word and he left her alone once again. She let out a breath she had no idea she was holding. She anticipated the night to end so she can go back to her life in California. Her soon to be perfect life. The one where she will get to marry jungkook and raise taeyeon, watch her grow up into a fine young woman and see her fall in love with a handsome man of her choosing and having her father walk her down the aisle when she gets married.

She deserves every right to know who her real father is.

Is her decision to go with jungkook the right one?

Speaking of jungkook. He came up to y/n with a laugh. "I had to take a break." He joked " she's so full of energy that she can practically dance the night away." He let out a hearty laugh. He stopped upon seeing no reaction out of y/n. "Dear, are you ok ?"
Y/n snapped back into the reality." Huh what?" She asked "sorry I spaced out for a second."
"Are you alright?"
"I'm just unsure."
"Is it about my idea?"
"Sort of."
"What's the problem?"
"I love you jungkook, I really do. You're my best friend."
"Y/n shut up for a second."

Y/n turned her head in shock.
Jungkook smiled softly and rubbed the back of his neck." Listen, I really hate that guy." He began " with a major passion but apparently you see something in him that I don't. ."
"If you choose him, I won't be mad." He cupped her cheek. " I love you. That won't change. I want your happiness. Even if it's not with me."
"Jungkook I already told him I chose you."
"The night is still young. When you sing or decide not to, that'll be the final decision."

"Ladies and gentleman! It is my great honor to announce your host of the night: Mister.T !"

Chatters from amongst the crowd were heard, along with scattered applause. Taehyung showed up at the very top of the staircase, wearing a different attire and mask. Rather fetching.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman."he said with a grandeur grin. It was possible a few women swooned at his posture. " it is truly and honor to have you all here tonight. Well, I am the quote on quote Mysterious Mister .T. I've been working here for many years until I've been able to own it. Thanks to my many projects I was able to expand it and create it to the amazement it is now."

More applause was heard.

"Tonight I hold many surprises for you all. A performance from yours truly, and from our once well known prima Donna, returned to us from California, Miss Y/n L/n!"

The crowd applauded and whistled at the name of the beautiful opera singer, but it was all dead to Y/n as she saw taehyung up on that staircase. A glass of champagne was handed to her, as well as to the other guests, by hired servants, dressed in gold and silver attire.

"I hope this year treated you all kindly."taehyung said as he was given his own glass." This year has been kind to me. It returned to me something I valued dearly. To me, ladies and gentleman, love was something I didn't understand. I never experienced it first hand, so my ideas on it were blank. Seems like it come out of nowhere when you meet the right person."

He looked straight into her soul as he spoke these words. Her heart Beated loudly within her chest and the air was slow to leave her lungs.

"To the new year. May everyone be filled with love and happiness. Let us all prosper." He said finally radiating his glass in the air and downing the drink.

y/n looked down at her drink, the bubbles surfacing in a mad fury. " To love." She whispered as she let the drink coat her throat.

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