Chapter 27-Evermore

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The moonlight was a diffuse ocean above them, lessening the inky blackness of the night, but not so bright as to dull the stars that speckled and glittered in the heavens above.They trudged along the pavement at a sedate pace, their mind focused on the gentle footsteps that seemed to echo throughout the desolate street. They were already heading back to the opera house, taking a long detour through the park gardens.

Y/n thrilled with excitement " oh! That was the most fun i've had in years!" She said with a contempt sigh, jumping onto the bridge walls.

Taehyung took her hand, careful not to let her lose her balance and take a watery fall into the man made pond under the bridge.

She hummed softly the song she sang earlier, with such joy, it was hard to not smile at her. As she stood above him, balancing onto the brick wall, above the water, the moonlight casting a spotlight on her.

Her emotions were not easily hidden on her innocent face. Her happiness was evident in the crease of her lovely brow and the up-curve of her full lips. But her eyes, her eyes showed her soul. They were a deep pool of restless gold, an ocean of hopeless grief. As Taehyung looked into her eyes he knew, all the beauty of the universe could not even hope to compete with this simple thing: passion. Passion turned her eyes into orbs of the brightest fire. He loved that about her.

"And you were amazing too." She stopped, looking down at him.

"As were you my dear."He said sweetly, placing his hands on this side of her hips and bring her down back on solid flooring. " I can see your voice has improved over the years."

"It would be more so if I sang other the years " she let out a hopeless sigh. "I've almost forgotten how much fun it is performing."

"Do people not ask you to sing in California?" Taehyung asked her curiously.

"They do." Y/n murmured." Quite a lot, but...." She drifted off, leaning onto the bridge and staring into the deep dark water.

"But?" Inquired Taehyung, his eyes not leaving her body for a second.

"Jungkook doesn't want me to sing. Ever since the incident, he didn't want me to be involved in theatrical problems. When taeyeon was born, he wanted me to stay home with her, which I understand but a part of me wants to still be on the stage." She let out a scoffing laugh " is that bad of me?" She asked.

Taehyung shook his head " its not bad wanting to do something you love." He said honestly.

He looked at her with pity. How can she still be so happy and carefree when she is allowed limited proportions of joy?

Taehyung opened his lips and spoke softly "Do you love your life with Jungkook?" He asked.

Y/n looked up at the Sky in thought." well, it could be better." She murmured, hardly audible.

"Do you love him?"

"Love is a strong word."


Taehyung and Y/n ended their detour and were now at the icy steps of the opera house. Taehyung's coat was gently around her shoulders, despite her kindly trying to deny it. Their walk was filled with conversation, and it made the two forget the large eight year gap between them.

"I'll be heading inside now."Y/n said, looking at him with a sad smile, disappointed in having to leave already, but then again, it was too deep into the night and too early into the day.

"Will I see you later?" Taehyung asked, his hand reaching out for hers. She didn't jerk it back, but let his warmth travel through her hand.

"Most likely " she answered will a sincere smile.

Taehyung got closer to her, chest and chest in one intact. The two stared into their eyes, soul gazing into soul, heartbeats synchronized. He was feeling brave. He moved his head slowly towards her. She knew what he was doing, yet she didn't move.

He inched closer. Slowly. Slower.slow. lips practically brushing against each other.

She moved back before anything advanced. She flicked her eyes down and took a step back " it's getting late. You should rest." She turned from him and walked up the stairs.

He put his hands in his pocket in defeat, and let out heavy sigh, his shoulders drooping down.


He turned to the sweet sound of her voice."yes?"

"Goodnight." She said with a sweet smile and departed into the opera house.

He grinned softly, watching as the door slowly closed.

He was the one who had it all. He was the master of his fate. He never needed anybody in his life. He learned the truth too late.He'll never shake away the pain.
He closes his eyes but she's still there.he let her steal into his melancholy heart. It's more than he can bear.Now he know she'll never leave him
Even as she runs away. She will still torment him
Calm him, hurt him, move him, come what may
Wasting in his lonely lair.Waiting by an open door
He'll fool himself, she'll walk right in, And be with him for evermore

He raged against the trials of love.He curse the fading of the light.Though she's already flown so far beyond his reach,She's never out of sight
Now he knows she'll never leave him,Even as she fades from view.She will still inspire him
Be a part of everything he does.
Wasting in his lonely theatre, Waiting by an open door.He'll fool himself, she'll walk right in
And as the long, long nights begin
He'll think of all that might have been
Waiting here for evermore.

That night sparked something within him. That almost kiss gave him hope. He wanted to be with her, despite her situation. Jungkook did not deserve such an angel. Jungkook didnt deserve her. Taehyung was smart and knew exactly what to do to get his Angel of music back into his arms.

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