chapter 12-you are the one

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Two weeks passed as if they never came. Every night she would go with taehyung to practice The countesses lines. Her relationship with Taehyung surely has strengthened over time. The times in which he wasn't teaching her, they spoke and indulged themselves in each others company. But those times were rare.

It has now come to the day before the performance of il Muto. The last rehearsal ended and so Y/n was free to do as she wishes for the end of the day. She left the theatre room when she almost right away bumped into a dear friend of hers.

" Hey jungkook" she greeted with a smile. Jungkook and Y/n have been closer now. He occasionally takes her out to eat or to a park and the two talk endlessly about their childhood past, though it was rare, because she would deny most of his offers to go out because she wanted to be with taehyung, but she felt at this point in time, he was growing more suspicious of her.

"Ah Y/n!" Jungkook exclaimed with a grin. " did you just finish your rehearsals?"

She nodded in response.

"I've noticed you've been feeling stressed lately" he stated. Has she really? Maybe it was because of the performance, or the fact someone could catch her sneaking off into the night with the dreaded phantom of the opera.

"I'm not stressed or anything " she waved her hand " just tired."

" how about a trip to the market?" He suggested, " unless you're busy?"

Y/n blinked at jungkook and considered his suggestion "all right!". She had to admit, a break from anything opera house related would sound absolutely divine.

"Perfect!" Jungkook exclaimed way too excited than intended. Y/n laughed softly and told him to meet her in 15 minutes in front of the opera house entrance while she changed.

Y/n packed her things in a small bag like a small amount of money, a small pocket mirror and other things she could possibly need. She had changed into a dark blue day dress and matched it with some brown ankle boots.

She had made her way over to the entrance, where she spotted jungkook patiently waiting.

The two headed to the market, arms linked with one another's, making small talk as they walked.

The marketplace surely was a grand place to be. There were people in different booths selling different kinds of things, Many couples gawking at each other like lovesick idiots, and a few performers singing and dancing to have their caps filled with a tip or two. A totally different atmosphere than the opera house and Y/n couldn't be even more grateful.

Jungkook and Y/n admired many of the trinkets and fabrics that were being sold. He had even bought her a new silver chain bracelet with little diamond roses, despite her kindly trying to reject it

They made small talk about things they usually talk about. Business, opera, singing, their childhood. It was nice to distract the thoughts clouding her mind.

By then hours have passed by in a blur, and it was now night time.

The two walked in a garden, in a nearby park.

"Are you all right?" He asked looking down at her.

"Yes, I'm fine" she assured him " just a little cold" she added.

In a blink of an eye, and with no hesitation, he removed his coat and swung it around her shoulders.

"Thank you," she said gratefully and continued on the pebble path.

" how are your lessons?" Jungkook asked her as they strolled " your singing ones."

She hummed " they're fine" she shrugged and let out a sigh. " quite energy consuming." she admitted. Of course taehyung meant no harm from them, but of course, it's nice to just be able to talk with him instead of being scolded for singing a note sharp when it should be flat, and of course, she won't say that it was taehyung giving her lessons. She managed to convince the cast and workers that a prodigy was giving her secret lessons. A normal acceptable human being.

He let out a hearty laugh " It appears the most talented Y/n l/n finds these lessons useless." He joked.

She scrunched her eyebrows and twisted her lips" I'm serious jungkook. They are um-" she groaned, trying to find the perfect word for her boring misery.

"Tedious? Monotonous? Tiring? Humdrum? Stupid?" Jungkook let out some words, with a smirk.

She scoffed with a quirky smirk " what are you? A walking thesaurus?"

He laughed once again." Your popularity is rising amongst many people" he said.

"Is it really?" She questioned, looking up at him.

" don't tell me you didn't notice." He said disbelieving " people are always worshipping your voice"

"I guess I was too busy to notice" she muttered.

" as long as you work for the opera, I'll have to share you with them," he said with a dishearted sigh.

"Oh?" She chuckled " and you want me all to yourself?"

"Of course I do'' he exclaimed, " but for now I can get your divided attention."

"Divided attention" she adjusted his coat around her " so you only accept half of it?"

" Half is better than none," he said with a smile which she has returned "Y/n? My parents want me to find someone soon." He suddenly said with a serious expression.

" Already?" She cocked her head to the side." Do you have someone in mind?"

"Well my father has introduced me to a few women but they seem so flamboyant " he led her to a secluded area and sat her down on a bench so the two can talk privately, still his larger hands in hers. " I want to be with someone I can respect. Someone with intelligence and charm." He looked at her deep in the eyes " a woman like you."

She was taken aback " What?" She gasped.

" Y/n I do really love you." He admitted. " since we were children, till the day I first heard you sing" he paused and looked down to her hands which he held." To now."

"Jungkook" she breathed out " Believe me I'm flattered, but it is sudden and I might have to consider it."

Jungkook looked hesitant " you know " he joked " most girls would've jumped at the offer."

" I know, but like you said" she smiled " I'm not like most girls."

He returned the smile" I'll give you some time" he said and stood up from the bench, pulling her up as well. "I'm willing to wait, though I hope I won't wait long."

" You'll have your answer soon." She assured him.

They continued on their walk until they reached the doors of the opera house.

"I'll see you tomorrow " Jungkook bid her goodnight with a gentle kiss on the cheek and went on his own path home.

Y/n sighed and headed towards her room to go see her angel of music and let Jungkook's offer to circle her mind.

Angel of Music ( TaehyungXReader)~ Phantom Of The Opera ~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя