chapter 29-Why does she love me?

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Hours passed and Y/n didn't come out of her room at all that day. Not many paid attention since the day of the masquerade was rapidly approaching and they wanted to get things at perfectly done as possible.

Jungkook was gone too. He once again was at a bar, drinking his sorrow and anger away. Hes been there since he left Y/n after that argument and let his body become intoxicated with drinks and drinks.

"One more." Jungkook mumbled, sitting at the bar, his hair disheveled and his eyes dark and baggy.

"Come on buddy" the bartender said, taking pity on this miserable soul " don't you think you've had enough? You've been here since early this morning."

"One more I said!" Jungkook said with a glare.

The bartender let out a defeated sigh " alright alright." He poured Jungkook another drink in his little shot glass. " jeez, you're a bad way ain't you?" He said sympathetically.

Jungkook grunted in response. The bartender sighed once more and removed the apron from his chest " well, my shift is over. The day shift will probably know what to do with you." He said as he hung his apron on a hook and another man, taking in the shift came in with a small greeting.

"Yes, what to do with me." He said mockingly, lifting the glass from the table."That's the question, isn't it? That's always been the question
Ever since the beginning." He drowned the drink, letting the sting of the alcohol numb him.

Jungkook sat there thinking of what she said.She looks for sympathy, and he gives her sorrow.She asks for honesty, he has none to borrow. She needs his tender kiss, She begs it off him. He give her ugliness.

Why does she love me?

She yearns for higher things, Things he can't give her. The rush that music brings, he can't deliver, And even when she sings, and soars above him, he tries to clip her wings.

Why does she love me?

"One more drink sir" jungkook said looking at the newer employee ." that's what i need, don't you think?" leave the hurt behind.

The bartender remained silent, hesitantly grabbing the bottle of alcohol.

"Do you hear me?" jungkook growled "another drink" he said quite rudely.

The bartender merely rolled his eyes and poured jungkook another drink.

Jungkook remained thinking, holding the cup to his eyes.

She wanted the man he was, childhood best friend and father to her daughter. At least she think she does. She needn't bother. Beneath this mask he wears there's nothing of him, just horror, shame, despair.

Why does she love me?

Jungkook looked helplessly at the bartender, cleaning tables with a rag. "How 'bout you, sir?

Tell me what am I to do, sir?"

The bartender looked at him and shrugged, saying nothing to him.

The bar doors swung open, revealing the younger giry.

" Morning berie, coffee please." Meg said with a smile, rubbing her hands together " hurry up before i freeze, i'll just take it black." meg looked at the miserable jungkook. " She was right."

"Who was?" jungkook asked meg. "y/n. She said you might be here." meg responded.

" then you know of our argument." jungkook downed his drink.

" just minor details." meg said, taking a seat next to jungkook. "This town is coarse and cold and mean, it's hard to keep your conscience clean. If you've fought with y/n, drinking wont make it any better."

" I'm not trying to drown my sorrows miss giry." jungkook scoffed, signaling to the bartender to fill his cup once more. " on the contrary, i'm celebrating."

"Celebrating?" questioned meg with a confused expression " and what could you be celebrating?"

" A reunion with old friends." jungkook sneered " friends thought long ago dead."

The bartender gave meg her cup of coffee. She softly thanked him and turned to jungkook once more. " what do you think will happen at the masquerade?" jungkook asked her.

" what do you mean?" meg asked.

" when she sings." jungkook clarified " do you think she'll remember how much she loved performing and leave me?"

" you're afraid to be left alone are you?" meg hummed, clasping her hands around the warm cup of black coffee. " i dont think thats what you should be afraid of."

"Oh?" hummed jungkook, being slightly taken aback from what she said. " what should i be, pray tell afraid of?"

" shes told you how you've treated her so far right?" meg explained " well don't you think she'll be fed up "

"And?" Jungkook said with a questioning tone.

" I believe you're afraid she won't love you anymore."

Jungkook was silent. He did want the affections if y/n. He had since childhood, and he thought the same of her, the way the two were close many years ago, playing at the Sandy beaches or dancing while he deceased father was kind enough to offer their little jigs with music that came from his violin. He loves her, so much that he is afraid of losing her. He is afraid of her not loving him, and so far, his actions are driving her away without him noticing it.

" Have you heard of the manager?" Meg asked suddenly.

" what about him?" Asked jungkook, clicking back to reality.

" He's the one that wrote all the music for the masquerade performances." Meg said with a smile " he's a true genius."

" Yes." Snarled Jungkook. " This genius planned this whole arrangement. He wishes to take her from me."

" Mother told me who he is" Meg said softly. " I know that he's loved Y/n in the past."

" he does now" snapped Jungkook " he could've had any other singer to sing his pathetic aria, but he had to had chosen Y/n. The man is twisted."

"He's also smart " meg stood up from the chair and put her coffee into a container she had " if you're planning to do anything to spite him, be careful " she warned and left the bar.

Jungkook stood up, eyebrows arched and a frown on his face. "I'm not afraid of him! I've bested him before, I can do it again! If he had the courage to meet me face to face- man to man."

He turned around to find that the only other man in the room with him was the one whom he was just talking about.

Angel of Music ( TaehyungXReader)~ Phantom Of The Opera ~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat