Chapter 24- The Phantom confronts

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Evening comes that very same day, and taehyung and taeyeon are inviting themselves to their magical and musical world. Taeyeon was seen as a pure artist in taehyung's eyes.she had shown him how she plays, how easily she is to read music, and even some pieces she has composed herself. Not only has she shown him her piano playing skills, but she has even sang for him, and by God it was like his spirit and y/n's voice were in one combined. The thought that yelled in the back of taehyung's head just screamed loudly. Little by little he founds more hints of it being a possibility. She found his world beautiful, so very beautiful. And she was beautiful, perhaps too beautiful, what he suspects cannot be, and yet somehow it can be. They both see the very same way.

There was just no way jungkook could be the father.... No way..... She had absolutely none of his characteristics or liked anything he liked, if anything the young girl admitted her 'father ' didn't really like her playing piano and thought it be better if she could perhaps indulge herself in the art of ballet, but the good and very persuasive y/n managed to convince jungkook to let taeyeon continue playing.

"Taehyung?" Little taeyeon said softly, sitting beside him on the piano bench " why do you wear that mask all of the time ?" Her curiosity came out finally. It was only a matter of time before she asked. He had only hoped that time would be longer.

" I..." He began saying softly " I use it to hide." He turned to face the tiny girl " the world wouldn't like me showing my face around "

"Are you ugly?" She asked, her sense of vocabulary not too advanced to put it in different words, but he knew she didn't mean much of it. If anything it made him chuckle " oh yes, very ugly ."

She giggled softly " can I see?" She asked curiously, her black eyes looking at his porcelain mask.

He looked fearfully. He has never shown his face to someone else besides Y/n. He was scared of being laugh at and ridiculed. Though, this was a mere child.Y/n's child. That woman that was pure and kind, and not a single bad bone in her body, and she has done a good job raising her daughter, marvelous even. If taeyeon was anything like her mother, surely she wouldn't scream in fear at his horrible ugliness.

"Are you sure?" He asked her " it's very scary."

"I'm a brave girl" taeyeon said proudly " I'm not afraid of anything!" She declared.

Taehyung didn't answer,but instead smiled softly at her. He turned his head away from her, and undid the string from behind his head.

With a quick breath he turned back to the young child, his face fully bared. The same scarred an ripped face. The marks that never disappeared with time. The painfully stretched skin across his bones.

The young girl looked at him horrified. She began to scream loudly, and all his fears and anxieties came true . "no no no!" He tried to reach out for her , but she jumped off the bench and ran down the bridge and into the candle lit tunnel ways.

Why did he expect much from people?he shouldn't have brought his hopes up.


Y/n was in her room with Joseph,talking to each other about some performances that he was in, when the door to her room swung open in a sudden burst, and in ran a trembling and crying child.

Angel of Music ( TaehyungXReader)~ Phantom Of The Opera ~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ