chapter 7-All I ask of you

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Taehyung has given Y/n a simple coat covering, that he may or may not have snagged from the costume room in the opera house. Who is going to notice its missing?

He led her through one of the many hidden passageways that led to the back of the opera house. No one was around, which was great in taehyung’s opinion.

“Where are we going?” Y/n asked him, tilting her head.

“Shh,” he placed a gentle finger on her lips with a wink. “ Just enjoy the night”

He adjusted his hat, so the moon can cast a shadow over his mask, safely enclosing him from the world.

The two walked, arms linked together, with not a soul around, yet neither felt uneasy. It was nice. A lovely moonlit stroll, amongst the quiet streets of Paris.

On the first few circuits, the talk had been shy, almost becoming familiar and then each of them backing away. Another few circuits and they knew more about one another than many members of their own family (or at least y/n’s since taehyung had none), their fingers entwined in a loose grip.

The chilling breeze tickled their noses and danced around them. “Do you remember? When I performed for the first time in the opera house, and I was so nervous.”

“Of course I did. I watched you in box five.” Taehyung responded softly.

“Mhmm” She hummed with a soft laugh “I messed up so many times” the memories of that performance rushed into her mind, yet they didn't haunt her, mostly just amused.

“Well,” he snickered “ at the time you weren't the most graceful dancer “ he joked.

“I'm glad you’re honest” she gave a wry laugh “ I still have it, you know”

“Have what?” he looked down at her with a questioning look.

“The rose,” she replied, looking up at the sky with a smile.

“Oh?” taehyung replied with a hum. That night of the performance, Y/n felt awful, having messed up countless times. That very night, when she came to the chapel, Taehyung gave her a rose, with a black ribbon tied around. That simple gesture made her smile, and that was the very first time he had begun teaching her to sing. “ I surely thought you would have thrown it away by now.”

She shook her head. “No, I still have it. Obviously, it's dead” she puffed out a cheek “ but I still have it “

The edges of his lips turned upward.

Quite honestly taehyung didn't have a destination to where he was headed. He didn't even think of a place, all he wanted to do was walk with y/n and indulge in her presence. He didn't even realize where he was walking to. It was one of the very few places he disliked, and this one made it to the top of his list.

It was in the center of the grand park, in a large open area. That place was always reserved for festivals, musical concerts, and dances, and in some cases….a circus.

The joy that laid on his face washed away faster than the smoke of a freshly blown candle. He went limp as he stared at the now empty place. Though his mind knew where the tents were, the showman, the deformities that were adored, the dances. The laughing and music blared in his ear as if it was there. Loud and clear.

His grip that he had on Y/n limped and he let her go. He took a few steps towards the empty grass area.

“This place…” he said, hardly audible. “ I was here years ago...ridiculed by so many people.” he choked.

“The circus?”

He nodded.

“ I used to look normal” he looked just at the moon “ I used to be a normal child...until they turned me into this” his fists were clenched in fury. He hated his life in that cursed circus. Hated those who ruined his face. Hated those who locked him up. Those who laughed at him. He could have had a pleasant life. A normal life. One without having to hide within the underground and fearing those who tried to see beneath his mask. One where he could just leave the comfort of his home to casually stroll in the middle of the day, no mask, and greeting people with a smile. A life where he didn't have to hate himself for being alive, every time he looked at his reflection in the mirror. That life was taken away from him years ago. “ Damn you!” he yelled to particularly no one, but those in his memories who ruined him.

He fell to his knees, slamming his fist on the ground. “ Damn you all!” he shook. “ damn you…” he said softer now, with less vigor.

Y/n looked at this poor man, shaking on the ground, regretting his entire life. This poor creature has known nothing but pain and suffering in his life. He doesn't deserve it. Not one bit.

“ No more talk of darkness,” she said softly, kneeling down to his level “ forget these wide-eyed fears… I'm here, nothing will harm you. My words will warm and calm you.”

Taehyung looked up from the ground, towards Y/n, his eyes rimmed with tears. “ All I want is freedom… a world with no more night” he paused, his hand reaching out to touch hers “ and you, always beside me.”

“Oh taehyung “ she whispered softly, engulfing him in a tight hug. That's what he needed at the moment. Someone to reassure him he isn't alone, and that will care for him.

“That's all I ask of you” he trembled in her hold, her coat becoming wet with tears.

Angel of Music ( TaehyungXReader)~ Phantom Of The Opera ~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora