Chapter 4

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Now I am here, I didn't know where to go and what to do, but I did believe that I was not being chased anymore. Only a fool would chase someone for moons when they have kits to spoil and tales to tell. Suddenly, something moved in the bushes! I took a defensive stance, growling at the sound. "Who's in there, I can hear you!" A tiny kit was pushed out of the bush, who looked behind and stuck out his tiny tongue. "Who else is in there?" I sighed. Another kit came out, this one of her own accord. Where were their parents? Why were they here? How did they get so far into the forest? My mind raced with questions, my mouth couldn't keep up. But I was able to get one question out, "How did you get here?" I knew that I had hit the bullseye when they looked at each other guiltily. "We-well... We were brought here. By our parents." I was taken aback; why would any parents abandon their children? "How long ago?" I stuttered, but I already knew the answer. They'd have been there for only a few days, by the look of their bellies, and they couldn't catch food for themselves, otherwise there'd be some blood on their mouths. There was only one question left, "Why?" I knew that "why" isn't a very good question, but this time it was vital.

"They want us to be an offering to you, so you won't hurt them. You won't hurt mama and dada, will you?" The kits' eyes went wide with fear that Holly felt she didn't deserve. "Of course not! I don't hurt cats," I growled. It was obvious that using the kits as an offering was just a way to get rid of them, so now I had to look after them. "If you're going to survive the wild, you'll need to learn how to hunt."

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