Chapter 2

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It was a beautiful night, with a clear sky and cool breeze; Rose and I were playing leap-cat (similar to leap-frog, but for cats) in the top shelf in our barn, when she turned around and leaped at me, claws out. I ducked, but still received a nasty slice to the face and let loose a mournful and terrified yowl. My blood pounded in my ears, barely hearing the scurry up the ladder to where I and... the traitor were. Suddenly, Rose started crying out and meowed "Oh thank goodness you're here! This-this savage tried to kill me! If I didn't strike back, I'd be dead by now!" She told her mournful story about playing leap-cat, but I suddenly attacked her, and she jumped aside, scratching me accidentally in the process. Papa turned on me, lunging at my throat; but mama grabbed him just in time, attempting to relax him with calming words, all the while staring at me with unhidden fear in her eyes. "Run. Run and hope I don't find you," he growled, his eyes wild with fury. I stepped backwards slowly, then turned and ran for the exit. My family had betrayed me. My mama had been tricked. I had been driven out. That is when I learned my third lesson.

Never trust anyone. Mama is not always right, and sometimes things come up where common sense does not detect it. The only way not to be betrayed is if there is no trust to betray.

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