G o p a l

355 18 16

Hmm, Gopal. A funny name. Who is it again?

Ah yeah, the best friend of the protagonist. My bad, Monsta made him so underrated I forgot to talk about him for awhile.

So Gopal, I know alot of people did this but, for the sake of the new season, show some love for him!

Sure Gopal had some spotlight episodes like in episode 20 (?). But he didn't even showed some strong heroic act.

Like Ying and Yaya saved BoBoiBoy

Fang appeared to save the ship

Admiral came with a devilish smile to save them.

And Gopal saved BBB and Fang with... A nose...
Gopal has a super strong power! Like hes powerful.

He can literally make a mop into a sword. Or 2 shawarmas into numb chucks (hmm shawarmas..)

He seriously need help, also, he needs to get rid of his cowardness.

He plays an important role in the series, a best friend of the main character, which involves supporting them, helping them, and be there for each other.

Instead, we got bbb dying in space and he hasn't done anything.

Wait, did he got a combo partner or no
Like Fang and Ying combo
Lightning and Fang combo
Yaya and Fire combo
Sai and shielda combo

So for one last time, give him some love. If boboiboy noticed the wind needs love, so is his best friend!

I'm not saying COMMENT EVERY BBB RELATED POST AND SAY #GOPALNEEDSSOMELOVE and draw some fanart about it.

So, this is my last chapter on begging you guys, please don't forget about Gopal, he plays an important role in a series.

Wind is getting a little popular now, he's passing Earth and Water.

LMAO here i am bragging and being annoying, state your opinion about this.

We cannot let someone out of the spotlight. The group isn't a group without a gopal

They really need a squad name.

But really, there must be a way to get gopal noticed.

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