I'm not dead

369 14 11

Actually, I'm actually dead inside.

Just finished my monthly exam and yeah,

There's alot of updates...like:

Ehem.. Blushunghalisulkyapimemes.

Sorry for all people who don't have a instagram account, you've missed alot.

Didn't even know that BoBoiBoy ruins the fourth wall and joins us with the memes.
He dosen't mind people making memes about him, he likes it.

Ehem.. ILiketheblushinghalimemesandsavingcycymemes

Good thing he dosen't know what's going on here in wattpad cause.


And if Monsta finds out about FangBoy force ships

They might have some encouragement to make this canon af.

Like... Making an episode bout it.

Nah, there's tons of FangBoy episodes 19, even the scene where

Fang throws the giant heart shaped cookies to boboiboy

Enough of FangBoy, Imma find something to update.

BoBoiBoy Memes and Savages messages 😂Where stories live. Discover now