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I was having some trouble since I need to work on my studies. I still don't have friends. That's good, no distraction!

Since Ive been busy and rewatching episode 24, I kept crying. Seriously. That was the saddest thing in Boboiboy Galaxy (BBBTM is still saddest).

The dark side is BBBG is going to be on a hiatus for half a year. The bright side is, there's instagram! Look at the selfies BBB got! (what cp does he use tho)

So..don't know how to keep the BBB spirit?

1. Read wattpad stories

2. Look at his insta.

3. Re-watch.

4. Make fanarts.

5. Imagine what would the movie be like.

Seriously, what am I doing in my life.

BoBoiBoy Memes and Savages messages 😂Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora