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Some of my favourite parts:


It sort of like, he's singing.

BoBoiBoy: JAAAAaaaNngggAaaaann~

Gang: *applaud*


Kassim: Later.

Infinity wars Ver.

Kassim: Commander, I don't feel so good.

This is like a love-hate fave. I hate it when Sai called the cinnamon roll, WEAK. He already defeated you, Sai. Do you really want yourself to get burned this time? Or you just can't accdpt defeat? I love it since I love Sai even he's a jerk.

"New split"

Yes. I love when they change it.
'Voice crack'

Fathiah's (Voice actor of BBB) voice crack. It made it sound like he's desperate. (also, well done on the male voice)

"Fang's new 2nd tier shadow power"

Yes! Porcupine finally got what he deserved! (?). And you also saved your boyfriend! Good job.


Fang is like... "NGNGNGNGNGGGGNNNNN" Havi'n fun eating up Vargoba?


The full hair! It's a very rare moment!

And of course "Cahaya"

Bruh, Cahaya is the only element that has signature hand pose.

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