Some BBB questions. (This is hard for me)

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Someone asked me this questions. Here's the answer. ( Bleh, she said to answer it here.)

Anime or Boboiboy: B-both! I can't live without them.

Fang or Boboiboy: B.

Cattus or Nut: Uh...... Uhm... Hmm..CatNut?

Earth or space?: Bruh, space. I want to experience zero gravity 😂.

Favourite element:: Light 😎

When did start to watch BoBoiBoy? : 7 years old. I still love them right now!

Which smile do you choose? Admiral or Kaizo? : Admiral.....don't judge me..

Favourite episode? : Episode 23, 22, and 20. I love all episode.

All things you want to ask to Monsta:

- When will you upload season 2?

-When is BoBoiBoy the Movie 2?

- Why does Bbb have a white streak of hair?

-When will you tell us Fang and Kaizo's back stories?

-Gopal's mom?

-When will you make Boboiboy Galaxy even darker? Like blood and stuffs? (no?)

-Why does Ying and Yaya love studying?!?!!?!!!!? (Jk)


-Also Fang too. I want them to do a duet please.

- How old is BoBoiBoy? Some say he was born in 2001, so he's 17? Some say he's 14.

-Boboiboy's parents. Where. Are. They.

-Can you make some backstoroes darker? Like BoBoiBoy being adopted? Or one of his parents divorced? (OK I'll stop now.)

Comment down, what do you want to ask Monsta.

Also you can answer the questions above too. Sayonara!

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