Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to @topsywrites for also commenting on my first chapter. Thanks for the comment hun! 

Chapter 3

Standing in front of me was this boy I’ve never seen before. He was taller than me, with broad shoulders and thick eyebrows. His eyes were the same color as his hair, brown. His hair was gelled back, giving off the shiny look.

“Who the heck are you?!” I asked, afraid someone else already let him in.

“Well, you’re so sweet! Thanks for welcoming me...” he replied, rolling his eyes.

“Why are you in my room?!” I screamed, tightening my robe so it didn’t open up.

“If you must know….” He started. Just then a few rocks were being thrown to my window.

“Please! Don’t tell them I’m here!” he begged, going on to his knees. I picked him up, afraid that he would look under my bath robe. I walked up to my closet and went inside, looking for maybe at least a jump suit so that I really didn’t have to change a lot. The rocks repeatedly hit my window, forcing there to be a crack on it.

I ran out of my closet, looking from the guy and back to the window. Then I proceeded to go to the window, and I pulled it up.

“Yooo, I swear I saw Ashton come up here! He has something that doesn’t belong to him” Tom furiously said. Tom was the quarterback on our football team. He had huge muscles and he looked really mad and was screaming at the two boys behind him.

“Tom!” I screamed, “Why are you throwing things at my window!”

Tom chuckled, “Oh look guys, its Dylan’s girl!” The two guys behind him started laughing too. Right then and there, I felt really insecure. I mean, I’m not the type of person to care what people think or say about me, but Tom made it seem like it was a joke. My face turned the darkest red I could think of and tears were starting to form in my eyes.

I slowly reminded myself to keep calm and it wasn’t a big deal, but I think deep down I knew what they meant. The meatheads ran the other way on search for Ashton. I closed my window and sunk down on to the floor, covering my eyes as tears started to roll down my cheeks. Why did I feel so bad all of a sudden? The words he said kept running through my head and the laughing kept booming through my ears.

“Are you okay?” the boy in my room asked, confused on what to do. I on the other hand, totally forgot there was someone in my room. I quickly used a throw pillow to wipe my tears away and adjusted myself.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”  I asked, trying to believe it myself. For a sec there, everything was normal, until I realized, I didn’t even know this guy that was attempting to comfort me.

“Who are you and why are you here?” I asked. There was an awkward pause before he decided to speak.

“I’m Ashton, but you wouldn’t know that. I’m here because I am, and basically, I just needed a place to hide……..” he blabbed. I was confused on what all this meant but this kid was giving me vague answers to begin with.

“What did Tom mean when----“

“Look, I just needed a hiding spot, and you provided me with that so thanks,” he said, quickly adjusting himself. He walked up to the window and slowly opened it up, turned around and then……

…kissed me.

He. Kissed. Me

Why did he kiss me?

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