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october 22, 2018 (he spoke to me well before this date but this day is when i got his number) till december 4, 2018 (i still spoke to him after this but i stopped pursuing him)

i thought he was different and that was a mistake

so basically he is a transfer student and i had first and second period with him. i knew he was in my class but i don't really do well with new people so i didn't pay him any attention. i thought he was cute though and then i ended up getting a boyfriend (previous boi) so no real reason so pursue him. then one day he started talking to me about our spanish project and then i realized that... the boi is kinda weird but like i thought he was cute and he was a nice dude so he and i spoke and then i broke up with my boyfriend and 2 days after that i was going to get his number but he wasn't in school so on the following monday i took his phone and put my number in his phone and then we started to get to know each other and i flirted with him and he flirted with me and i went to kiss him once and he moved so yeah i got curved 

then on halloween he and i ended up hanging out for a bit we went to mcdonalds and ate and then we went to the park and chilled and he told me why he didn't want a relationship or whatever but anyways more time passed and we ended up kissing an it kinda happened every once and a while and such and he was weird about it tho. then i was explaining to him that we are basically in a relationship so lets just add the label and he said he didn't want the label and he came up with every reason in the world on why he didn't want to date. 

sooooooo with that being said a little before thanksgiving i told him that if he wanted to be just friends, no more liking each other, no more kissing and other things to say it right then because i don't want my emotions played with any more based on the other 4 boi's before him that ruined my emotions and he said that he he liked me and he wanted to be friends who liked each other

then thanksgiving rolled around and he texted me while we were on thanksgiving break and he was being like SUPER flirty and such and i kept bringing up how i want a relationship and such and the way it was looking he was going to agree to that and then he didn't instead he said he wanted to be friends with benefits and i was like yikes no

then like a week later he and i ended up making out in the staircase (mentioned in 2 previous boi's stories) and then he had to go to practice after school but the town field is near my house so i walked with him there and we got there a little early so we made out under the bleachers and i ended up touching his dick (quality size not gonna lie) and then later i decided to be friends with benefits with him and he was like "lit" so the next day (december 4th) i ended up running into him on our walk home and he was like "lets me just friends" and i was hella confused then the week after that he agreed to be friends with benefits again and i texted him so we could like meet up in school and make out and he changed his mind

i was kinda mad and stopped talking to him and i noticed he was talking to this girl in our class more and more but i was like "there's no reason he'd leave me for her" so i brushed it off. then after a while i thought maybe i was being petty so i decided to talk to him and at the end of first period i took his phone as a joke and i was gonna give it back to him in our second period so i looked at his phone to see the time and the girl i thought he may like had a heart next to her name and i was like ??????????????? so i unlocked his phone (stupid birthday password) and i read his messages (shouldn't have done that i know) but he was calling her wifey and shit and i was mad so i stopped speaking to him. then i asked him if he liked someone and he told me maybe and i'm like ????? so then i realized he didn't want to be just friends just cause he felt it was better he wanted to be just friends because he found someone "better"(a truly reoccurring themed fellas) and i was angry. one day in spanish i heard him talking about how he wants to date this girl and shit and i was pissed because he told me high school relationships were stupid and idk if he's dating her but i know they talk. 

then before winter break i wrote him a 2 page note explaining why i stopped talking to him and how i felt. he never told me his thoughts on it but i texted him saying that i wanna be friends but i don't trust him and he was like "why be my friend if you don't trust me" and i was like "cool we ain't gotta be friends i'm not begging for your friendship" and then he was like "no no no i wanna be friends" then we had like a small conversation and we haven't spoke since. yesterday 1/3/19 he wasn't in school and i was kinda happy about it. then today 1/4/19 he was there but i didn't wanna speak to him so i just pretended that i didn't feel well so he didn't come up and talk to him.

this whole situation just like.. ruined my junior year not gonna lie but he and i have this mutual friend who is a girl who once tried to like get us to talk again she told him he was being childish and she told me that i deserved someone better than him and so yeah that's... this boi's story

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