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september 9th 2016 till like April 2017 then like randomly twice again in like june 2018 and then randomly again in september 2018

this is a long and messy story not gonna lie but it all started the 3rd day of freshman year. but let me give a background of this dude. so i met him in 5th grade and we didn't really talk i thought he was weird. then in 6th grade he dated my friend and i realized i kinda liked hims i developed a crush. then in 7th grade i kinda hated him because he asked me to break up with my friend for him and then also i liked his friend but he would walk home with us and ruin things for me. then his friend became an asshole a month or 2 into 7th grade so he and i started walking home together. every once and a while my feelings would come back but i didn't think he'd like me plus he had girlfriends on and off and i was just a lonely ass bitch he walked home with sooooooooooooooooooooo back to the 3rd day of freshman year 

he and i were walking home and we took like a weird way home because he ran into an old friend and once we were by ourselves i kept trying to explain how like i liked him and wanted to be with him and he wasn't getting my signals so then i went up to him and kissed him and i went to pull away and he kissed back and i was like shook and then i told him i would see him later cause squad was going to a fair and so i went home shook and confused. then later he and i met at the fair and my homie was kinda third wheeling so she went home and then he and i talked (it wasn't a good conversation now that i look back on it" he and i ended up dating but he didn't want to make it public because people he's friends with didn't like like me and he felt that they would bully him. so after me complaining about that he dumped me but we still made out on the low 

then in november 2016 we got back together for like 4 days then he dumped me again for the same reason then he and i made out still after that well into december he ended up seeing me shirtless and braless in fact. he ended up fingering me and so yeah. in december my friend had a quinceanera (god i cant use accents on this dumbass thing) and he wouldn't dance with me and he spent the whole night talking to his "bestie" and he danced with her and i was mad i even cried anyways after the new year he still wouldn't date me so i gave him till my birthday (1/27) to get his shit together or i was done. so of course he didn't come through so i started ignoring him. then i was gonna talk to him on valentine's day and turns out he had a girlfriend then. i never knew who though so then i ignored him for all of february and a little bit of march 

then he and i started talking and walking home again. it was friendly though and then one day i slid into his dm's on instagram and i was complaining about how no one liked me and he said someone did but he wanted to tell me in person so we ended up walking to school together one day and he never told me during that walk but when we walked home i had to like pull it out of him i was like "so you like me? and you wanna date me?" and he was saying how he didn;t know how to ask me out and i was like "oh my god its so simple" he still never asked me out we just agreed we were dating then 4 days later he ignored me and like i don't know why and i was pissed as fuck because even if he needed some space he could have just said that sooooooooooooooooooo the day after that i went and made out with devin (the next boi) because i was sick of brian's bullshit so i just decided that he and i weren't dating then like 2 weeks later i hit him up and was like "what the fuck tho?" and then he said he was upset and needed space well i was like you could've told me that but you didn't and since you didn't i assumed we were broken up and i made out with devin. 

he and i didn't really speak much over the summer and then sophomore year started and my friend told me she thought he liked her and i was like yikes and then she said she would date him so she wasn't lonely then i got upset because she never really asked me how i felt about it and she told me she'd wouldn't date him then at our lunch table my other friend said they were dating and i was mad and kinda passive aggressive about it. and so they dated and went to the mall in decemeber and they got together in october and when we were at the mall i was trying to explain to my friend how i felt about it but she never really got it so i gave up and then i wasn't really okay with it i just stopped being mad about it. i mean he treated me like shit then he treated her like gold and being left for other people later becomes a reoccurring thing in my life but hey life sucks

then my friend dumped him to get with someone else but when that didn't work out she tried to go back to him but i told him why she really dumped him cause she kinda lied to him not gonna lie. they got back together anyways. then brian broke up with her again in june 2018 and he told me and the guys we walk home with that he got drunk and fingered some girl and i was like kinda bothered by it low key. and then i was joking around with him and i said i'd suck his dick and he told me i wouldn't because i was too awkward and so the next day i did in his house and we didn't finish because i had to go home so the next day we made out and when i got home i was like wtf? so then i asked him how he felt about this whole situation so then he said he still loved my friend so he got back together with her but they broke maybe 2-3 weeks later because he felt like he wasn't getting any attention. 

then he and i had a whole conversation and we were gonna like date for the summer and tell no one just to see how it goes and we even thought about like.. having sex and such and then i was gonna go over his house one day but my mom wouldn't let me leave the house for some unknown reason so he and i called it off. 

then a little after school started we went to the fair together and none of our other friends showed up and he and i ended up making out and i gave him a hand job and once again did not finish (reoccurring theme huh?) and then like maybe a week or two later he was talking about his girlfriend and such and how they started dating in august and he and i did that in september and all i heard was x-files music in my head but yeah whatever.

he and my friend still kinda had beef after their break up like she didn't like him but he would like go out of his way not to invite her to squad hangouts and he was being an overall dick to her and he was just getting on my nerves and it kinda sucked because i felt like he would be the one i'd lose my virginity to but it never happened. i stopped speaking to him because i was fed up with his bullshit and then my homie shane ended up telling me that brian had sex with his girlfriend and not gonna lie that made me lose interest more. one day i tried to like get him to apologize to my friend for the shit he did but of course he wouldn't and so i gave up trying to speak to him. i also think he stole his friend's girlfriend but you know i don't speak to him so i don't really know. so that's basically his story and the bullshit i went through and dealt with.

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