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Chapter 7: Virgin Eyes

i'm currently sat on the middle of joey's fuzzy rug that lays promptly in the middle of the room. i've always found the room to be weird, it's not under-decorated like most guy's rooms, it's more overwhelming than anything. artwork, posters and calendars scatter the walls while clothes, rugs and random items scatter every other inch of the room. it looks like an interior designer threw up all over his shared dormitory. "—autumn!" he snaps in front of my face, attempting to throw me out of my daydreams.

"can we just take a break?" i groan, setting my head in the palm of my hand. the reason we're in this situation in the first place is because i need help studying for my math test in a couple days and i just can't seem to wrap my head around these complex concepts.

"not until you understand. now, tell me how to calculate the slope of this graph." he remains stern, pointing down at the math homework we've been assigned. i huff. my head hurts from trying to remember all of these random formulas and equations that i'll most likely never need to know after i pass this class. plus, i'm frustrated. i just don't get it.

"i don't know, baby." i surprise him and myself by using the affectionate language that i did. this is kind of the first time i've referred to him with a pet name, and i didn't totally hate it which is surprising. i did it mostly to catch him off guard, in which case he'll just let the whole study session go and i'll be able to relax.

"um... okay. why don't we just pick this back up tomorrow?" score. i smile to myself, shutting my math binder and throwing it in the same vicinity as my backpack that sits near the front door. he neatly packs his hand-outs up, setting them on his desk. i watch him nervously fidget around for a couple seconds before he finally speaks up. "uh, you should probably get going..." he spits out, biting his lip.

i'd never be upset at him asking me to leave, we spend almost every waking moment together, occasionally we need some time apart. therefore, i collect all my things and shove them back into my backpack. i swing the bag over my shoulder, looking up at joseph who stands over me. "i'll see ya... baby." he mocks me, earning a playful roll of my eyes. he opens the door for me, ushers me out and then closes it right behind me. weird.

i eventually stumble back to my dorm, swinging the door open and throwing my backpack on the office chair that's placed by our desk. i watch as violet looks up at me form her magazine, raising a suspicious brow at me. "how was 'studying'?" she air quotes 'studying', clearly questioning my intentions with joseph.

"we are children of god, vi. i'm offended that you'd even question my morals," i scoff, pretending to be offended while putting a hand to my heart theatrically. i've barely been in the room for a minute, and i'm already being accused of things left and right.

"that's not what kelsey had to say earlier," she mumbles. i groan, i told her not to tell anyone else— not that i think violet would ever spread it, but if she's willing to tell the roommate that constantly feuds with, then she's probably willing to go to great lengths to tell everyone what went down. i still don't fully know how kelsey found out, but i'm not going to refresh it in her mind to ask.

i flop onto my bed, encasing myself with my favourite blanket that my mom got me for christmas last year. i miss my mom. "yikes. don't get comfortable. i told johnny we'd have the dorm to ourselves tonight," she looks uneasy, evidently preparing for some sort of blow to the arm or leg. i can't just leave her hanging, so i fulfill my duties by slapping her shoulder. after i'm done with the abuse, i emit an elongated, exaggerated groan. i snatch my blanket, wrapping it around my cold body and making my way toward the door. "i love you!" she yells to me.

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