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Chapter 6: What The Fuck Is A Wheel?

ever since the other day when i sucked joey's dick, things have gotten a little weird. i assumed it'd make everything awkward, but the effect it's had on our relationship is actually the complete opposite. if anything we've gotten closer, in fact, sometimes we just randomly kiss without thinking anything of it. not when anyone's around obviously, but it's still a significant step in a direction, whether it's the right one or not i'm still unsure. joey, billy, emma, phil and i are all walking side by side back to the boys' dorm in order to relax after a long day at school and practice. "who's up for a nap?" i ask to the group.

they all agree on participating in this activity and i get excited to finally sleep after a tiring practice. we enter the room, seeing all of our friends sprawled out across the furniture in the room. i'm a little happy to see them all, considering our last reunion was this past weekend, however, i'm mostly upset that our conjoint nap session is going to have to be postponed until after they all leave. i set my bags beside the front door, plopping down on phil's bed. joey and phil collapse next to me, both of them entangling their legs with mine. "so, how was practice, friends?" i hear snuff clap his hands together.

my chin perks up, a confused look on my face as to why johnathan is acting so weird. who actually refers to their friends as 'friends'? all of my confusion dissolves when i see anna— his most recent crush— sitting next to him on joey's bunk. i didn't even notice she was up there with him. "oh, hey, anna," i wave, smiling up at her. i feel joey and phil rise at my sides, probably in disbelief that snuff got the guts to bring a girl back to their room.

"or just disregard my question. i didn't want an answer anyway," snuff rolls his eyes, speaking to me sarcastically.

i giggle, laying back down beside my friends. i don't bother answering him because he knows what i'll say. the same as always. phil lays back down, pulling a magazine from his bedside table and continuing where he left off according to his bookmark. joseph puts a pillow against the headboard, propping his head up. he takes the elastic out of my hair, combing his fingers through it. "are they always like this?" anna quietly whispers to our blonde-haired friend.

"no, they're usually pretty loud. they get crabby after practice," he shrugs, receiving a glare from me. he sticks his tongue out at me, though what he said was kind of true. we all get super lazy and grumpy after soccer/field hockey unless we immediately nap to rejuvenate ourselves.

"no— i mean joey and autumn," my ears perk up at the sound of my name leaving her mouth. i turn to look at joey to see if he's hearing this but he's too busy attempting to braid my hair. i give snuffy a warning glance, telling him that if he says anything he's not supposed to, i won't hesitate to fight him. it's time to accept that everyone in the gang knows i sucked joey off, i'd just not rather have the whole school informed.

"yeah. they've got major wheels," he mumbles. wheels? what the fuck is a wheel? his friend makes an 'o' shape with her mouth, signalling she understands now. i'm still lost. am i the only one who doesn't know what having a wheel is?

"what the fuck is 'wheels'?" i peer up at them, my face probably looking just as clueless as i feel.

"oops! someone's got a sailor's mouth!" her brown hair flows as she giggles at her own joke; that was not even remotely funny, by the way. i watch as everyone else stares back up at her with weird glances, probably wondering if she thinks it's still the '50's. "i guess that's the result of becoming one of the boys," she laughs yet again, all of us growing more uneasy by the second.

"...what?" i question menacingly, narrowing my eyes at her and clenching my jaw. i try and hold back from becoming too aggressive right off the bat because snuffy really likes her and i wouldn't want to ruin it for him... however, she needs to watch her mouth for future reference.

she chuckles nervously, taking note of my assertive tone. "like... you know? you hang out with boys all the time, i thought that they all think of you as 'just one of the guys'." she mocks a deep voice, trying to convey that she's impersonating a male. joey sets a hand on my shoulder, obviously sensing that i'm becoming tense.

"well, at least we know joey doesn't think she's one of the guys," billy jokes, laughing hysterically at own joke. emma joins in on his laughter, both of them ignoring the lethal glares from joey and i. i can see phil trying to stifle his giggles from the corner of my eye and joey smacks the side of his head with enough force to tell him to shut up, but not enough to actually hurt him.

"you're right, snuff, they do have major wheels," she giggles, nudging his side with her elbow lightly. he laughs, nodding along with her. they look like six years olds that know something that no one else does. i don't like her.

"what the fuck does 'having wheels' mean?" joey asks, massaging my shoulders lightly for reassurance.

snuff and anna giggle annoyingly to each other. hank pipes up with the definition, "it means liking each other but being to scared to date," i roll my eyes. i don't like her. snuffy can do so much better than her. i barely know the girl and she thinks it's okay to make fun of mine and joey's awkward friendship? i don't think so, bitch, only emma, billy, phil, snuffy and ricardo get that privilege and we've known them for years— if not our whole lives.

i scrunch my face up in disgust. "you've been spending too much time with the trust fund babies, snuff," i point out, earning a laugh from everyone but anna. i don't like her. she can't even take a light joke and yet expects me to take one that was in bad taste.

"there's nothing wrong with being prepared," anna protests, crossing her arms over her chest. i don't like her.

we all burst out laughing at the fact that she's really defending her trust fund. "on that note, i'm going back to my dorm." i chuckle, bidding everyone goodbye before walking down the long hallway to my own dorm. i can't wait to lay down in my bed, free of worries and just able to nap. i open the door, smiling widely at the sight of my bed. my grin fades when i see kelsey in her bed. "hey kels," i greet all the same, trying to keep us on good terms at least.

"so, you and joey had some fun the other day, huh?"

i don't like her.

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