Jungkook was surprised at Jimin being so forward and bit his lip. "U-um...it's in my back pocket."

"You've been laying on it this entire time?!" Jimin exclaimed and sat back up. "Flip over or something. Give me my phone back." Jimin blushed a little, and Jungkook shook his head.

"How about you get it yourself?"

"You want me to touch your ass."

"Would you rather I touch yours?" Jungkook smiled and laughed, Jimin cracking a smile as well, before remembering he was supposed to still be mad at him.

"No Jungkook. How about you just give it to me yourself?"

"Come on~ that's no fun."

Jimin sighed and tried to find his phone, feeling Jungkook, trying to find his pockets. Finally finding it, he pulled it out victoriously. "You're so mean Jungkook." Jimin put it in his own pocket before trying to get off of Jungkook, but Jungkook held him down, holding his ass. "H-hey...what're you doing?"

"Just teasing you. I mean, you have been teasing me."

"Lemme go Jungkook."

"Why should I? What're you gunna do for me?"

"You're going to make me pay for this too?! You're being mean."

"It's called being playful Jimin. You obviously don't know what that means."

"Oh is that a challenge? I can be playful."

"You think playful means flirting."

"I do not flirt with you." Jimin blushed, and Jungkook knew he hit a spot.

"Oh hyung...you really do." Jungkook squeezed his hands, Jimin tightening.

"Ah...don't do that Jungkook...you're being mean..." Jimin pouted heavily, and Jungkook cooed.

"Don't cry about it hyung~ I'm just being as "playful" as you get."

"I don't touch you."

"You really do."


"Whenever we're alone."

"Not true."

"Well, now. And yesterday. And the day before that. And last week. And-"

"Okay! I get your point, shut up..." Jimin became slightly more red, and Jungkook gave him another squeeze. "Jungkook!" Jimin squeaked, making Jungkook laugh. "Stop that! You're being just as flirty to me. Stop."

"Jimin~ isn't that what you want?"

"Of course not. We're not supposed to date other people, what makes you think we can date each other?"

"That sounds really harsh hyung..."

"It's meant to be. And anyways...it wouldn't work out." Jimin tried to get up, but Jungkook held him down again.

"Tell me why?"

"Our relationship isn't good together Jungkook. Not like that. We're too mean and we wouldn't know when we've gone too far. And I know we'd take things too far."

"In what ways would we go to far?"

"In arguing...and...others."

"Oh. So you've thought about doing it with me before?"

"Who hasn't?" Jimin tried to save himself, but just ended up blushing more.

"Mmm~ thank you hyung for the confidence boost. But it means more knowing that you have thought about it. You matter more."

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