Chapter 2

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          Third person p.o.v.
      Amy and Y/n were adjusting to their - temporary - new life. They had to remind each other to sit up straight, and both of them had to use their new vocabulary, which was stripped of words such as "yeet" , "oof" and all Hamilton quotes. Even though they still quoted it, they had to be careful about what they said, especially about their reactions to things like catcalls, and they still had to use 1780 etiquette. That meant instead of clapping back to sexist comments and catcalls, they had to restrain themselves and smile, or simply walk away. And instead of saying, "oh shit" they would say "oh, dear." As part of their new vocabulary. The girls had been overexcited on their first day, twirling in their dresses and smiling too much, gaining negative attention from strangers. It was only their third day, and Amy already asked if they could go back yet.
"No," Y/n said, rolling her eyes. "You know we have to go to the winters ball tomorrow."
"Wait, that's tomorrow?!" Amy sat up, shocked.
"Yup. And stop being so over dramatic." Amy stuck out her tongue, and y/n responded by tossing an orange at Amy's face. This was a bad idea, because they were in the square, therefore, people were around. Amy dodged the orange, but it landed on the ground behind her and started rolling.
"Oh, look what you've done!" Y/n said, smirking.
"Oh, this is my fault?" Amy responded sarcastically. The orange stopped rolling, but when y/n bent down to grab it, another hand got to it first. "Excuse me, but that is my oran-" Y/n stopped talking abruptly, shocked by the - very handsome - man in front of her.
"Oh, this is yours? My apologies." He handed Y/n the orange. They stood frozen like that for a few seconds, until Y/n came to her senses.
"Oh! Uh, sorry about... um, that. Yeah." Y/n said, blushing madly at her words. She couldn't seem to get herself together, but who could blame her? The man standing in front of her was the Alexander Hamilton. Amy approached the two.
"Hello! I see you have met my friend, y/n. My name is Amy, it's a pleasure to meet you...?-"
"Alexander Hamilton. It is a pleasure meeting you as well, miss Amy and y/n. Beautiful names, by the way." Y/n felt her ears getting hot.
"Will you be at the winters ball?" Amy asked, keeping the conversation going. Y/n envied Amy's ability to speak like a normal person in front of a person she admired.
"Yes, I will be attending. I assume you will also be?" His violet eyes darting between the two women.
"Yes!" Y/n finally spoke up. She cringed at her voice.
"Well, I hope to see you there." He smiled.
"You as well." Amy responded, curtsying. Y/n followed suit.
"Save me a dance." He winked at Y/n as he walked away. As soon as they were out of the square, Y/n squealed loudly.
"He winked at me!!! Oh my god, ALEXANDERFUCKINGHAMILTONWINKED AT ME!" Y/n started obsessively fangirling over him. Amy rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't act like you're above this." Y/n said to Amy.
"I'm not acting like that."
"Yes you are. Just because your brain can function in front of someone you admire doesn't make you above me!"
"Actually, I think it does!" Amy laughed.
"I'm gonna kill you."
"Looking forward to it."
The girls walked home, laughing and fangirling over Alexander Hamilton.

A/n sorry this is kinda short, but I thought it was good to end it there. Hope you enjoyed it :)

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