Chapter one

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Authors note: Hi! This is my first time really writing anything, so be patient. I know not all of this is historically accurate, but go with the flow, u guys. That's all for now :) please enjoy!

P.s., just a small code if you don't know some of these abbreviations thingies.
Y/n= your name
L/n= last name
A/n= author's note
P.o.v.= point of view

Let's start!


Y/n P.o.v.

I never thought that I, of all people would be here. Never. Maybe I had daydreamed about it, but for real?! Impossible. I looked out at the vast ballroom, admiring the structure and dresses. 1780, a winters ball. I squealed to myself and squeezed Amy's hand. Okay, let me start from the beginning. My name is Y/n, and I am a journalist for a magazine, and for the latest article and experiment I have been chosen along with several other people to travel to a different time period to find answers for historians, and people everywhere. I have a very bright future ahead of me, possibly being the best and youngest journalist yet, and I am surrounded by supportive family and an amazing best friend. As a big Hamilton fan, I naturally applied to go to Alexander Hamilton's time period along with one of my close friends, Amy. It was only for a little, but how could I not be excited? I was beyond hysterical when I got selected along with Amy, and now I was packing my bags, headed for the year 1780. I didn't have to pack much, as I already had a home- along with an identity-to occupy. All of the old-timey clothes and technology were at the home too.I crossed the front yard over to my family and hugged them goodbye. My parents were starting to cry.
"Calm down! I'm not going to be gone forever! It's for like two weeks. Chill." I told them. They nodded and smiled, unable to speak, because they might start crying again.
"Be More Chill, you mean." My older sister, Chloe, corrected me. She was happy for me, but I could see that she was sad I was leaving, even if it was only for a little.
"Don't fall in love with any founding fathers."
"I'll try." I hugged her.
"I'll be back before you know I'm gone."
"How will I live?!" Chloe wailed.
"You'll be fine." I said, rolling my eyes. "Now I have to go." I hugged her one last time.
"I'm taller than you." I whispered in her ear. She smacked me, smiling.
"Not yet!" She called to my retreating back. I clambered into the passenger seat of my best friend's car with my bags and waved at my family. Amy was waiting in the drivers seat.
"Ready to blast Hamilton? Because we won't be able to listen to it when we're gone."
"Of course." I said, unable to get the smile off my face.

We sat with the other people that had been chosen to time travel, everyone chatting about where they were going. One person was going to Jamestown, where everyone has mysteriously disappeared, and he was going to try to find out where they went. Other people, like me and Amy, were just going to get facts on what everyday life was like. The group of people leading the experiment, was a combination of scientists, journalists, and my bosses.
"Now remember, time still has to pass here. You can't spend X amount of time there and come back here when that amount of time hasn't passed, because then you would be in two places at once, and the machine can't handle that, there is no telling what it would do. It would be incredibly dangerous to all of us." The same scientist continued to give us a big lecture on not interfering with history, how even just a small action or relationship can lead to destruction, don't stay longer than four weeks, how to get back, etc. Finally, it was time to travel to our assigned time periods. We had changed into appropriate attire for our eras, and everyone was looking themselves up and down. Me and Amy twirled in our dresses, laughing. My boss, mrs. Diana coughed from behind us. I immediately straightened up and acted more mature.
"Just a reminder, you must occupy your 1780 persona the entire time you are in the past. Don't interfere with history. If you make a big enough interference, you will be punished, or even lose your job depending on the damage you do, but that shouldn't happen at all. Understood?"
If I lost my job, I would lose everything, and also a lot of trust. "Yes ma'am." Mrs. Diana's face softened, and a smile crept onto her face.
"And no quoting Hamilton, girls." She walked away, heels clicking, and wished us good luck.
"Man, not quoting Hamilton is going to be the hardest part about this." Amy said mournfully.
"... nobody needs to know." I said like Lin-Manuel Miranda does at the end of "Say No to This." we laughed, but quickly stopped after our attention was called to the center of the room. One of the scientists, with a journalist by their side, was going to call our names and our partners name. The first pair called was a group going to Ancient Japan. They held out their arms, and the needle came, containing some medication. It was just an extra precaution, because there are more diseases passing around in different times.
"It's like in the hunger games!" Amy whispered to me. "But instead of a tracker, it's medicine."
"What in the world is the hunger games?" I asked.
"It's this book series that I got from an antique store and-"
"Shush, child, we're up next!" We quickly straightened our posture, as we learned in the etiquette class we had to take before. We got our shots, and then we were led to a room off to the side. I glanced at Amy nervously, then took a deep breath and stepped inside.

A/n I hope you liked that! The next chapter will hopefully be coming soon. :)

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