12-I Kinda Like You

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I looked at my wrist watch. Okay, just a few minutes before it's lunch time.
That's good, cause I can finally meet Edd and ask him what's up.

I Sighed heavily as I saw the teacher scribble some weird formulas for Chemistry.

"We have a project. Coming in a few weeks to be exact. I've chosen the partners. No excuses."

I hear the professor speak.

"Wait mister Steve! Don't we have a biology project in a few weeks?"

A student spoke up.

"No. That is sadly canceled."


A few students groaned while some cheered.

"Sir, how is that possible? What about my partner in that project?"
I asked, arousing from the seat.

"Tell your partner that it's executed."

Before I could open my mouth up, the bell rang.

"Class dismissed."

All of the students got up from their seats and left. I was the last to leave, but I wasn't the only one.

I saw the devil too.

I shrugged it off though. What'd I do with him? He's a jerk who is one of an ass.

Basically a donkey.


I picked up my books and made my way to the door when I accidently bumped AGAIN into Tord.

"What the fuck."

He looked at me with pure disgust.

I rose a brow at him getting up and dusting myself off.
"Yeah, what the fuck, man?"

I spat back in a casual tone.
He seemed to be caught of guard.


He scoffed and left. I chuckled but it died down once I remembered about Edd.

Right, Edd.

I rushed to the cafeteria to see Edd talking with Natasha.

"Hey, Pinnaples!"

I heard Natasha call out to me when she looked at my direction.

I smiled and sat down on the table where they were.

"So, Pineapple,"

I huffed at the name. Though, secretly liked it.

"How's everything? With Edd-" she stopped mid sentence when she saw Edd glare at her.

What was that all about?

"Anyway... I've got to catch with my bestie. Cya, guys!"
She nervously smiled and left both me & Edd.

"So, Edd. About that thing you were gonna say in first period?"


"Also, we aren't partners for the science project. It's... Canceled so yea."

Edd was being awfully quite this whole time.  He kept staring the other side.


"Don't fucking ignore me."

I hissed, getting irritated by this strange attitude of his.

He finally looked at me.


"Speak, what's up with you?"

"Nothing." he mumbled.

"Don't act like that bitch, Tord."

This looked like it got him furious. I could say by that red face of his staring at me.

"I'm not Tord."

"You're acting like one."

"Can you just stop?"

"Not until I get an answer for this crappy attitude you're giving me."

"Don't Swear."

"What—What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

Blood was already boiling in me. I know it was bad on getting mad on a friend I've known for ages. But I couldn't handle it.

"Fucking fine! I'll tell you, alright?!"

"Thank you."
I calmed down.

"I'm not mad... I just.. I kinda like you."
He mumbled real fast which was hard to understand.

"Could you repeat that last part, please?"

Edd puffed his red cheeks.

"Edd what the fuck, man? I'll leave if you don't-"

"Ugh! I said I kinda like you okay?!"




The brunette in front of me became red as a tomato.

I didn't know what I felt at that moment. Was it a confession?
It was. But.... I didn't know how to react to this.

Strange, I didn't feel butterflies inside my stomach.

HA. TOMMEDD! Lmao this chapter was meant to be a joke. But kinda wanted to add TomEdd angst in this story to y'know, Spice things up!

Nerd, but a hero. [Tomtord/Spiderman AU]Where stories live. Discover now